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Room for rent at Chatswood (6mins walk to station) - Short term only

carla_glamcarla_glam North RydePosts: 102Member

Hi Guys

We have room available for rent at Chatswood. Available from 22 Feb til 1st week of April 2020.

Pls let me know if you are keen & happy to send you photos of the unit & room.



Occupation Nominated: Architectural Draftsperson

8th October 2012 - Submitted docs to Vetassee
15th October 2012 - Acknowledgement from Vetassee
30th November 2012 - IELTS result: L-8, R-6.5, W-7, S-8.5 = Overall 7.5
4th December 2012 - Vetassee result: POSITIVE
10th December 2012 - Submitted EOI
12th December 2012 - Submitted WA SS
16th January 2013 - WA SS Approved
17th January - Received Invite to apply for VISA
17th January - Lodge 190 VISA
23rd January - Medical Exam at SATA
13th March - CO allocated (Team 7 - Adelaide)
18th March - CO requested documents (PCC & evidence of employment)
19th March - Submitted docs & apply for PCC
3rd April - Submitted PCC
5th April - VISA Grant! -- Thank you Lord, Your timing is just soooo perfect :) I'm in awe of your goodness!

1st or 2nd week of June - Flight to Sydney

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future - Jeremiah 29:11

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