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Can you get married while on a prospective marriage visa

Hi, I hope I can get some thoughts here. We lodge our offshore PMV application last Sept. 2019. Unfortunately, it will take 2-3 years before it gets approved. I am currently in Australia now as a tourist and bound to go home as soon as there's an available flight. Since I'm in Australia now, can we get married here instead of waiting for our PMV application that is taking forever to be processed? I know none of us are experts here but I do appreciate your thoughts.



  • fgsfgs Cooper Basin
    Posts: 1,161Member
    Joined: Nov 12, 2013

    Try reading this

  • chamarkchamark Posts: 107Member
    Joined: Aug 17, 2019

    @Ayie00030 said:
    Hi, I hope I can get some thoughts here. We lodge our offshore PMV application last Sept. 2019. Unfortunately, it will take 2-3 years before it gets approved. I am currently in Australia now as a tourist and bound to go home as soon as there's an available flight. Since I'm in Australia now, can we get married here instead of waiting for our PMV application that is taking forever to be processed? I know none of us are experts here but I do appreciate your thoughts.


    yes you can covert from 300 to 309. SA few couple in our GC did that since they are in Oz right now.

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