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Brand New House for Rent at Seaton, SA

zappedzapped AdelaidePosts: 83Member

Hi Kabayan,

Bnew unfurnished, low maintenance 3 bedroom + 2bath house for rent at $460/wk. Available from Oct 15 or earlier if needed

Safe and quiet neighborhood at Seaton. 6.5kms to Adelaide CBD, 5 mins drive to the beach, 10 mins from the airport. Public transport accessible. Close to grocery, walking distance to Primary school, 5 mins drive to the hospital, close to Catholic church, 6 minutes to West Lakes shopping centre, walk to parks/reserve. Perfect family friendly location.

Offering to pinoys first and be prioritized in the tenant application. Thank you.

May 2, 2016 - Start of new life....


  • zappedzapped Adelaide
    Posts: 83Member
    Joined: Aug 20, 2015

    Currently Unavailable. Thank you

    May 2, 2016 - Start of new life....

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