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aussie2xaussie2x Quezon CityPosts: 71Member
Is there anybody knows where you can post resume, so the employer in Australia will see it.?


  • TotoyOZresidentTotoyOZresident Posts: 1,327Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
    i search google mo "job web site australia" dami dun

    "Wise men learn from their mistakes, but wiser men learn from the mistakes of others."
    'Success is when you finished what you have started."

    If you’re looking for Church in Canberra ACT Australia and you want to fellowship with Christian Filipino Australian.
    Come and join us in Jesus Is Lord Church Canberra service every Sunday at 10:30AM to 12:30PM
    Where: 53 Georgina Crescent, Kaleen ACT 2617
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    "To God be the glory"

  • aussie2xaussie2x Quezon City
    Posts: 71Member
    Joined: Jan 04, 2011
    Hi All,

    If you want to post your resume so will employer will see it, Pa invite kau ni Australian Migration Horizons s Austjobs (nasa left hand side page under "post jobs") para ma post yung profile nyo,its free anyway, at may username and password n ibigay.

    Hope it helps...
  • LokiJrLokiJr Quezon City
    Posts: 2,616Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jan 13, 2011
    sir I'm assuming ENS ang gagawin nilang visa sa inyo pag ganyan?
  • aussie2xaussie2x Quezon City
    Posts: 71Member
    Joined: Jan 04, 2011
    sir I'm assuming ENS ang gagawin nilang visa sa inyo pag ganyan?
    RSMS,ENS,and 457 visa

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