Hello, the past month I have been communicating with a Filipina with the intention of marriage, starting a family and relocating to Australia.
I can go to the Philippines in June to meet with a Filipina and get married. Once married I can apply for 309 100 visa.
Would it be possible to line up a visitor visa so my wife can return home with me to Australia and live with me as my wife and start a family while we wait for the eventual result of the 309 visa?
The alternative is living in Philippines or living apart.
Would there be big problem if my wife gave birth in the Philippines while waiting for 309 100 visa to be processed?
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I have heard that it would be nigh impossible for me to work in the Philippines even if I get married and so living there will a limbo holiday and I might have to sell up and move out of my rental property in Australia until one day I can return home.
So ideally I would like to live with my wife in Australia.