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Refunds, what you’re entitled for

RheaMARN1171933RheaMARN1171933 Posts: 2,777Member, Administrator, Moderator

Refunds, there is a common misunderstanding about this amongst those who have engaged an agent. Often, I explain this to those enquiring about our services at the initial consultation - just for awareness purposes as it’s handy for them to know, whether or not they decide to go ahead with our services or not.

It’s a normal practice in our profession to ask a potential client for a deposit before we commence our services. This deposit is kept for the client in a dedicated account. Once a certain service is provided, we have to issue an invoice for that particular service. This needs to occur so we can legally take the fee from the deposit. In other words, the money a client gives us in advance is technically not our money until we render the services. In the event that the client wishes to discontinue the agent’s services (or vice versa) or if there is no more case to pursue as a result of negative skills assessment outcome or change of policies, whatsoever, we will only be entitled to be paid for the services we provided. Whatever is left in the deposit shall then be returned to the client.

Also, a responsible agent should provide you the Code of Conduct (at the very beginning) which explains the above procedure along with other professional behaviour one should expect from a registered migration agent. It is important that aspiring migrants are aware of this when they engage an agent so they know what to expect from an agent. It is to protect both the agent and the client. I have attached the Code for everyone as reference.

I hope this helps in understanding what you are entitled for.

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