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Australian (AU) Citizenship - Singapore (SG) Police Clearance Query

jcgagnijcgagni MelbournePosts: 42Member

Hi all,

Good day. Hope you're all doing well.

Not sure if it's been asked before but for anyone who has applied for, or is applying for, Australian Citizenship and was previously based in Singapore, did you have to wait until it was requested before you got your Singapore Police Force Certificate of Clearance? I actually wanted to get my SPF COC before I submit my citizenship application via Immiaccount but it looks like they're requiring a "Letter from Overseas Authority".

Thanks po sa mga replies.

Nominated Occupation 261312 Developer Programmer
06-05-2014 - Received "Delay Email"
10-07-2014 - Finally... Visas Granted! Praise God! IED 24-03-15
Timeline at @sonsi_03's


  • mnlz2023mnlz2023 Australia
    Posts: 76Member
    Joined: Mar 15, 2023

    @jcgagni said:
    Hi all,

    Good day. Hope you're all doing well.

    Not sure if it's been asked before but for anyone who has applied for, or is applying for, Australian Citizenship and was previously based in Singapore, did you have to wait until it was requested before you got your Singapore Police Force Certificate of Clearance? I actually wanted to get my SPF COC before I submit my citizenship application via Immiaccount but it looks like they're requiring a "Letter from Overseas Authority".

    Thanks po sa mga replies.

    Hi po, need pa po ba na mag-submit ulit ng PCC kahit hindi naman po ikaw nagtravel na sa country ng SG?

    **ANZSCO 312114 Construction Estimator **| Age: 25| English: 20 | Experience: 15| Education: 15|State :15
    SC491 SA (Offshore) = 90

    06 Mar 2023: Lodged Visa 491 (Family of 3)
    17 Jul 2023: 1st S56 - Spouse proof or record of attempts to obtain PCC from Marshall Islands and movement history for 10yrs.
    21 Jul 2023: Submitted
    23 Nov 2023: ** 2nd S56 - Statutory Declaration for 1st S56 response
    **25 Nov 2023: ** Submitted
    **19 Apr 2024
    : 3rd S56: Spouse completed Form 1563 (Statement of Character)
    19 Apr 2024: Submitted
    ____ : Visa Granted! (Thank you Lord!!!)

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