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Japan lay-over connecting flight

lmsg06lmsg06 Baguio CityPosts: 72Member

Hi asking for a friend.
Maybe someone encountered this before.

Do you need a visa in japan for a 4 hour layover connecting flight?

233211 Civil Engineer

(Age: 30pts | Education: 15pts | Work Exp: 5yrs - 10pts | Eng: 20pts | Partner Skills: 10pts)

APR 29, 2019 : 1st PTE L-74 R-77 S-90 W-73 [Results after 4 Days]
JUL 5, 2019 : 2nd PTE L-82 R-86 S-90 W-81 [Results after 1 Day] Superior
JUL 2019: DHA Point system change (Spouse needs to take PTE and EA)
OCT 2019 : Spouse PTE Competent [Results after 2 Days]
MAY 2020 : EA Positive Outcome [233211 FTrack - Results after 10 Days - Sec.1 w/ PRC]
JULY 2020 : Spouse EA Positive Outcome [233211 FTrack - Results after 25 Days - Sec.1 w/ PRC]
JULY 2020 : 3yrs Experience EOI SC189-80pts | SC190-85pts | SC491-95pts
MAY 2022 : 5yrs Experience EOI SC189-85pts | SC190-90pts | SC491-100pts
AUG 26, 2022: Re-take PTE (expired) L-90 R-89 S-90 W-90 [Results same day] Superior
AUG 26, 2022: ROI VIC (85+5)
SEPT 16, 2022: Spouse Re-take PTE (nearly expired) [Results same day] Competent (VIC requires 12wks remaining validity)
SEP 26, 2022: SC190 VIC Skillselect Invitation to Apply (ITA)!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
OCT 6, 2022: SC189 Skillselect Invitation to Apply (ITA)!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
NOV 16, 2022: SC189 VISA LODGE
NOV 26, 2022: Medicals (Submitted by NHSI Baguio to DHA on Nov 28, 2022)
APR 17, 2023: SC189 Grant
APR 18, 2023: PDOS-Spouse (Registered on April 17, email received same day)
APR 19, 2023: PDOS-Main applicant (Registered on April 17 did not receive e-mail, Registered again on April 18)
MAY 9, 2023: BM ❤️ "In God's Perfect Time"

BM Tips:

PTE Tips:
Practiced in APEUNI (not premium)


  • era222era222 Philippines
    Posts: 783Member
    Joined: Mar 08, 2022

    @lmsg06 said:
    Hi asking for a friend.
    Maybe someone encountered this before.

    Do you need a visa in japan for a 4 hour layover connecting flight?

    To my knowledge, you need a transit visa. But, in case no one else provides an answer here, your best bet in getting the latest guidelines is asking the Japanese consulate directly:

    A relevant Reddit thread I found, from 11 months ago:


    212415 - Technical Writer | Offshore, PH | With agent | Age: 30 | English: 20 | Work: 0 | Qualification: 15 | Single: 10 | NAATI: 5 | Total: 80+5 for SC190 | Granted 190 NSW


    December 5: Started consulting with agents


    March 5: Hiatus


    February 28: Resumed my application
    June 16: PTE - Started studying on my own (Used Pearson mock tests and APEUni)
    June 21: PTE - Booked my exam
    June 23: VETASSESS - Submitted my application
    June 24: VETASSESS - Status "Lodged"
    August 26: PTE - Exam at Trident Makati
    August 30: PTE - Results: SUPERIOR (LRSW 90) - Read my study/exam tips
    September 14: NAATI CCL - Booked my exam
    November 26: NAATI CCL - Exam
    November 30: VETASSESS - Requested for updated reference letter
    December 7: VETASSESS - Submitted updated reference letter
    December 16: VETASSESS - Result - POSITIVE ASSESSMENT!
    December 22: NAATI CCL - Results - Passed (77.5/90) - Just took the CCL cram course
    December 23: EOI - Lodged 190 for VIC and NSW


    January 6: Submitted petition for correction of birth certificate (just in case)
    January 10: STATE NOM - Received pre-invite from NSW for 190 TYL / Discontinued VIC ROI
    January 23: STATE NOM - Submitted nomination application to NSW
    January 24: Received ITA from NSW for 190 visa first thing in the morning tears of joy
    February 17: Lodged 190 visa application / Scheduled my medicals at St. Luke's BGC
    March 4: First-time visit to Melbourne and Sydney
    March 13: Medicals
    March 17: Police clearance
    March 21: Medicals cleared
    April 5: Uploaded corrected birth certificate (TYL, my LCRO was efficient)
    October 16: Received commencement email
    December 28: PR VISA GRANT

  • lmsg06lmsg06 Baguio City
    Posts: 72Member
    Joined: Aug 13, 2019

    Thank you for this, very helpful ❤️

    233211 Civil Engineer

    (Age: 30pts | Education: 15pts | Work Exp: 5yrs - 10pts | Eng: 20pts | Partner Skills: 10pts)

    APR 29, 2019 : 1st PTE L-74 R-77 S-90 W-73 [Results after 4 Days]
    JUL 5, 2019 : 2nd PTE L-82 R-86 S-90 W-81 [Results after 1 Day] Superior
    JUL 2019: DHA Point system change (Spouse needs to take PTE and EA)
    OCT 2019 : Spouse PTE Competent [Results after 2 Days]
    MAY 2020 : EA Positive Outcome [233211 FTrack - Results after 10 Days - Sec.1 w/ PRC]
    JULY 2020 : Spouse EA Positive Outcome [233211 FTrack - Results after 25 Days - Sec.1 w/ PRC]
    JULY 2020 : 3yrs Experience EOI SC189-80pts | SC190-85pts | SC491-95pts
    MAY 2022 : 5yrs Experience EOI SC189-85pts | SC190-90pts | SC491-100pts
    AUG 26, 2022: Re-take PTE (expired) L-90 R-89 S-90 W-90 [Results same day] Superior
    AUG 26, 2022: ROI VIC (85+5)
    SEPT 16, 2022: Spouse Re-take PTE (nearly expired) [Results same day] Competent (VIC requires 12wks remaining validity)
    SEP 26, 2022: SC190 VIC Skillselect Invitation to Apply (ITA)!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
    OCT 6, 2022: SC189 Skillselect Invitation to Apply (ITA)!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
    NOV 16, 2022: SC189 VISA LODGE
    NOV 26, 2022: Medicals (Submitted by NHSI Baguio to DHA on Nov 28, 2022)
    APR 17, 2023: SC189 Grant
    APR 18, 2023: PDOS-Spouse (Registered on April 17, email received same day)
    APR 19, 2023: PDOS-Main applicant (Registered on April 17 did not receive e-mail, Registered again on April 18)
    MAY 9, 2023: BM ❤️ "In God's Perfect Time"

    BM Tips:

    PTE Tips:
    Practiced in APEUNI (not premium)

  • ConboyboyConboyboy Sa puso mo
    Posts: 335Member
    Joined: Feb 05, 2023

    @lmsg06 said:
    Hi asking for a friend.
    Maybe someone encountered this before.

    Do you need a visa in japan for a 4 hour layover connecting flight?

    I recently had a connecting flight with 8hrs SG-HANEDA-USA and USA-Narita-SG, both without any Japan Visa.

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