Ad space available
reach us at [email protected].
Major update has been completed. Please help to report any abnormality that you are facing (in case there is any) to [email protected] . Thank you for your continued support guys!

States Invitations and Nomination Matters for FY 2024-2025

OzdrimsOzdrims SingaporePosts: 1,161Member, Moderator

I do think most of us here -who were stuck from 2020 missed the 2 to 3 years of migration happenings in Australia -given dahil pandemic- but there are still chances this time and eagerly want to know your standing with fellow applicants and peers as to how draws in the current fiscal year will roll out? Please feel free to update your profiles here for the current 2023-2024 FY and let’s wait for the selection draws to commence. Good luck to All!

New FY unfolds , i revamped this thread to cater to more comfort feel messagings and interactions alike .

ANZSCO 233211 Civil Engineer (Offshore) | Age: 25| English: 20 | Experience: 15| Education: 15 | Partner Points: 05 (Competent English)|NAATI: 05 |State :05
SC190 NSW = 90
17 Apr 2023: Took PTE Exam: Superior
29 May 2023: Spouse PTE Exam: Competent
15 May 2023: Submitted relevant employment docs, work pass and DRAFT CDR to agent
29 May 2023: Agent submitted EA MSA CDR + RSEA to Engineers Australia
8 July 2023: EA MSA CDR + RSEA result: Suitable for migration
26 July 2023: took the NAATI CCL
13 Aug 2023 : results out for NAATI exam
15 Aug 2023: Agent updated EOI for CCL points (+5)
13 Sep 2023: Agent created EOI for SC 190 NSW
02 Nov 2023: Pre-invited by NSW
06 Nov 2023: Nomination submitted to NSW
09 Nov 2023: Nomination application approved & ITA received
29 Nov 2023: Visa lodgment and medicals booked
11 Dec 2023 : Medicals completed
xx-xx-xx - Visa GRANT



  • CornDogIsYumCornDogIsYum Posts: 36Member
    Joined: Jul 21, 2023

    Just lodged my EOI last wk sa skillselect for NSW 190. Waiting for Victoria to open. Project Admin, offshore, 90pts (incl. 5 pts sa state nomination). Gaano kaya kabilis ang invite?

  • kickskicks Posts: 33Member
    Joined: Jun 27, 2023

    Count me in!
    Lodged EOI: 21-JUL

  • fmp_921fmp_921 Singapore
    Posts: 53Member
    Joined: Jul 27, 2023

    Same here.

    190 NSW and VIC
    Lodged date: July 8


    ANZSCO 312111 - Architectural draftsperson
    95 points

    8 July 2023 - EOI
    12 September 2023 - ROI (VIC)
    25 September 2023 - Pre-invite (VIC)
    25 September 2023 - Nomination Application
    9 October 2023 - Nomination Approval, ITA
    12 October 2023 - 190 Visa Lodgement
    14 October 2023 - Medical exam
    17 October 2023 - Medical cleared
    VISA GRANT - (hopefully today!!!)

  • kickskicks Posts: 33Member
    Joined: Jun 27, 2023

    @fmp_921 nakapag apply ka po ng ROI sa Vic? Closed po kasi ngayon.

  • BoSSBabyBoSSBaby Posts: 16Member
    Joined: May 21, 2023

    491 SA
    EOI: July 7, 2023


    263311: Telecommunications Engineer - Offshore (DIY)
    Age: 15 / English: 10 / Work: 15 / Education : 15 / Partner : 0 (PTE?)
    491 - 70

    03-Feb-2023 - Started CDR preparation
    25-Apr-2023 - PTE Exam (Proficient)
    11-May-2023 - Submit EA Skills Assessment (CDR)
    25-May-2023 - Paid for Fast Track Application
    24-Jun-2023 - EA update: Assessment in progress
    28-Jun-2023 - EA update: Options for possible outcome
    29-Jun-2023 - EA update: Positive outcome
    07-Jul-2023 - EOI Lodge 491 (SA)
    XX-XXX-XXX - Pre-invite

  • fmp_921fmp_921 Singapore
    Posts: 53Member
    Joined: Jul 27, 2023

    @kicks said:
    @fmp_921 nakapag apply ka po ng ROI sa Vic? Closed po kasi ngayon.

    Eoi plng. Once mag open saka mag aapply roi.

    ANZSCO 312111 - Architectural draftsperson
    95 points

    8 July 2023 - EOI
    12 September 2023 - ROI (VIC)
    25 September 2023 - Pre-invite (VIC)
    25 September 2023 - Nomination Application
    9 October 2023 - Nomination Approval, ITA
    12 October 2023 - 190 Visa Lodgement
    14 October 2023 - Medical exam
    17 October 2023 - Medical cleared
    VISA GRANT - (hopefully today!!!)

  • DreamerGDreamerG Posts: 269Member
    Joined: Aug 19, 2022
    edited July 2023

    We can provide these informations same as thread last FY for more informations. Thanks


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation


    Occupation: CIVIL ENGINEER
    Points: SC189-75/SC190-80/SC491-90
    EOI: Nov 2021
    ROI: Aug 2022
    Patiently waiting for Gods' perfect timing

  • br00dling365br00dling365 Posts: 40Member
    Joined: Feb 24, 2023


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation

  • BoSSBabyBoSSBaby Posts: 16Member
    Joined: May 21, 2023


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @BoSSBaby | Telecommunications Engineer | 491 (SA) | July 7, 2023 | 70 | offshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation


    263311: Telecommunications Engineer - Offshore (DIY)
    Age: 15 / English: 10 / Work: 15 / Education : 15 / Partner : 0 (PTE?)
    491 - 70

    03-Feb-2023 - Started CDR preparation
    25-Apr-2023 - PTE Exam (Proficient)
    11-May-2023 - Submit EA Skills Assessment (CDR)
    25-May-2023 - Paid for Fast Track Application
    24-Jun-2023 - EA update: Assessment in progress
    28-Jun-2023 - EA update: Options for possible outcome
    29-Jun-2023 - EA update: Positive outcome
    07-Jul-2023 - EOI Lodge 491 (SA)
    XX-XXX-XXX - Pre-invite

  • OzdrimsOzdrims Singapore
    Posts: 1,161Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jul 09, 2019

    @DreamerG thanks for the info ,those who have shared first are early adapters , sana mabunot na lahat at first draw of the year!


    ANZSCO 233211 Civil Engineer (Offshore) | Age: 25| English: 20 | Experience: 15| Education: 15 | Partner Points: 05 (Competent English)|NAATI: 05 |State :05
    SC190 NSW = 90
    17 Apr 2023: Took PTE Exam: Superior
    29 May 2023: Spouse PTE Exam: Competent
    15 May 2023: Submitted relevant employment docs, work pass and DRAFT CDR to agent
    29 May 2023: Agent submitted EA MSA CDR + RSEA to Engineers Australia
    8 July 2023: EA MSA CDR + RSEA result: Suitable for migration
    26 July 2023: took the NAATI CCL
    13 Aug 2023 : results out for NAATI exam
    15 Aug 2023: Agent updated EOI for CCL points (+5)
    13 Sep 2023: Agent created EOI for SC 190 NSW
    02 Nov 2023: Pre-invited by NSW
    06 Nov 2023: Nomination submitted to NSW
    09 Nov 2023: Nomination application approved & ITA received
    29 Nov 2023: Visa lodgment and medicals booked
    11 Dec 2023 : Medicals completed
    xx-xx-xx - Visa GRANT

  • mathilde9mathilde9 Singapore
    Posts: 678Member
    Joined: Nov 15, 2021


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @BoSSBaby | Telecommunications Engineer | 491 (SA) | July 7, 2023 | 70 | offshore
    @mathilde9 | Software Engineer | 190, 491 (NSW+VIC) | January 2022 | 80, 90 | offshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation


    OCCUPATION : SOFTWARE ENGINEER (261313) ~~ DIY. Offshore.
    Total Points ~~ NSW SC190: 90pts
    Points Breakdown:
    Age:25 | English:20 | Employment:15 | Education:15 | Single:10
    Been to Australia a few times and I just wanted to settle there. "I belong here" ganon.
    10 2021 - Research about AU migration; read a lot of related articles; consulted with agent for initial assessment. Decided to DIY.
    11 2021 - PTE (Proficient)
    11 2021 - Suitable ACS Skills Assessment received (8+ years suitable, 5weeks 4days TAT)
    01 2022 - EOIs submitted (matumal and slight hiatus since na-busy sa ibang bagay)
    09 2023 - PTE retake (Superior 90 overall)
    09 2023 - Updated EOIs to reflect +10pts on English Test
    11 2023 - ACS Assessment expired T_T (but already prepared for re-assessment a few weeks before)
    11 2023 - ACS deemed my skills unsuitable because of missing documents. Nilaban ko.
    12 2023 - Suitable ACS Skills reassessment (8+ years) after 1month of review and pangungulit (no fee incurred, fault nila)
    12 2023 - Some EOIs expired T_T
    12 2023 - New EOIs submitted (NSW, VIC, ACT, and 189)
    02 2024 - Booked NAATI Exam (desperate to max out point for a chance of invite)
    02 2024 - Received NSW 190 pre-invite!! ✩₊˚ (tears of joy, TYL! ). Cancelled NAATI test at 75% refund.
    02 2024 - Final NSW ITA received after 1 business day ✩₊˚
    02 2024 - Visa Lodgement
    02 2024 - Medicals. Cleared after 1 business day @ SATA AMK
    02 2024 - Singapore Police Clearance. Completed/claimed after 6 business days
    _ _ 2024 - ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧** Visa Grant! **✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧

  • kickskicks Posts: 33Member
    Joined: Jun 27, 2023


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @BoSSBaby | Telecommunications Engineer | 491 (SA) | July 7, 2023 | 70 | offshore
    @mathilde9 | Software Engineer | 190, 491 (NSW+VIC) | January 2022 | 80, 90 | offshore
    @kicks | Engineering Technologist | 189, 190 & 491 | July 21, 2023 | 70, 75 & 85 | offshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation

  • rei1995rei1995 Posts: 29Member
    Joined: Mar 31, 2023

    @kicks said:

    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @BoSSBaby | Telecommunications Engineer | 491 (SA) | July 7, 2023 | 70 | offshore
    @mathilde9 | Software Engineer | 190, 491 (NSW+VIC) | January 2022 | 80, 90 | offshore
    @kicks | Engineering Technologist | 189, 190 & 491 | July 21, 2023 | 70, 75 & 85 | offshore
    @rei1995 | Naval Architect | 189, 190 & 491 | June 1, 2023 | 75, 80 & 90 | offshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation

  • rei1995rei1995 Posts: 29Member
    Joined: Mar 31, 2023


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @BoSSBaby | Telecommunications Engineer | 491 (SA) | July 7, 2023 | 70 | offshore
    @mathilde9 | Software Engineer | 190, 491 (NSW+VIC) | January 2022 | 80, 90 | offshore
    @kicks | Engineering Technologist | 189, 190 & 491 | July 21, 2023 | 70, 75 & 85 | offshore
    @rei1995 | Naval Architect | 189, 190 & 491 | June 1, 2023 | 75, 80 & 90 | offshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation

  • alibanini1209alibanini1209 Posts: 62Member
    Joined: Mar 04, 2023


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @BoSSBaby | Telecommunications Engineer | 491 (SA) | July 7, 2023 | 70 | offshore
    @mathilde9 | Software Engineer | 190, 491 (NSW+VIC) | January 2022 | 80, 90 | offshore
    @kicks | Engineering Technologist | 189, 190 & 491 | July 21, 2023 | 70, 75 & 85 | offshore
    @rei1995 | Naval Architect | 189, 190 & 491 | June 1, 2023 | 75, 80 & 90 | offshore
    @alibanini1209 | Chemical Engineer | 189 | Apr 3, 2023 | 85 | onshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation

  • CornDogIsYumCornDogIsYum Posts: 36Member
    Joined: Jul 21, 2023


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @BoSSBaby | Telecommunications Engineer | 491 (SA) | July 7, 2023 | 70 | offshore
    @mathilde9 | Software Engineer | 190, 491 (NSW+VIC) | January 2022 | 80, 90 | offshore
    @kicks | Engineering Technologist | 189, 190 & 491 | July 21, 2023 | 70, 75 & 85 | offshore
    @rei1995 | Naval Architect | 189, 190 & 491 | June 1, 2023 | 75, 80 & 90 | offshore
    @alibanini1209 | Chemical Engineer | 189 | Apr 3, 2023 | 85 | onshore
    @CornDogIsYum | Project Administrator| 190,491| July 21, 2023 | 90,100 | offshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation

  • audreamscometrueaudreamscometrue Baguio City
    Posts: 17Member
    Joined: Mar 13, 2023


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @BoSSBaby | Telecommunications Engineer | 491 (SA) | July 7, 2023 | 70 | offshore
    @mathilde9 | Software Engineer | 190, 491 (NSW+VIC) | January 2022 | 80, 90 | offshore
    @kicks | Engineering Technologist | 189, 190 & 491 | July 21, 2023 | 70, 75 & 85 | offshore
    @rei1995 | Naval Architect | 189, 190 & 491 | June 1, 2023 | 75, 80 & 90 | offshore
    @alibanini1209 | Chemical Engineer | 189 | Apr 3, 2023 | 85 | onshore
    @CornDogIsYum | Project Administrator| 190,491| July 21, 2023 | 90,100 | offshore
    @audreamscometrue | Software Engineer | 189, 190 | February 2023 | 85, 90 | offshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation


    ANZSCO 261313 Software Engineer (Offshore) | Age: 25| English: 20 | Experience: 15| Education: 15 | Partner Qualifications: 10 | TOTAL: 189 = 85, 190 = 90

    Visited Australia - September 2019
    Compile documents (COE, payslips, BIR 2316) for ACS assessment - October to November 2019
    1st ACS assessment - Submitted 06/11/2019, Result came out 23/01/2020
    1st PTE Exam - 03/02/2020, Result came out 05/02/2020
    1st EOI submission - 05/02/2020
    ---------- Pandemic came and got no invite from 2020 to 2022, ACS assessment and PTE exam results expired ---------
    2nd ACS assessment - Submitted 05/10/2022, Result came out 02/02/2023
    2nd PTE Exam - 13/02/2023, got the result on the same day
    2nd EOI Submission - Feb 2023
    Pre-Invite - 12/01/2024
    Nomination approval / ITA - xx/xx/xxxx
    Visa lodge - xx/xx/xxxx
    Visa grant - xx/xx/xxxx

  • _sebodemacho_sebodemacho Melbourne, VIC
    Posts: 982Member
    Joined: Sep 13, 2019
    edited July 2023

    Good luck guysss~

    Bubuhos rin ang invites and grants soooon!!! <3


    DIY all the way. Avoid preachy, know-it-all, and unscrupulous agents AT ALL COSTS!

    "We must look for ways to be an active force in our own lives. We must take charge of our own destinies, design a life of substance and truly begin to live our dreams." - Les Brown

    261312 (Developer Programmer) - Main | 261111 (ICT Business Analyst) - Wife

    189 (95), 190 (100)


    14 Nov | BIG MOVE
    01 Nov | HIRED | First day of work. Remote working arrangement from SG
    --- Trying my luck at job hunting while in Singapore and BM planning on the side ---
    19 Apr | Direct Visa Grant | What a journey... JUST GRATEFUL!

    2022 - Pandemic Eases Off

    17 Nov | Medical Test Clearance
    15 Nov | Medical Test
    03 Nov | EOI #4, #6 | 189 Withdrawn, 190 NSW Withdrawn
    03 Nov | Visa Application | 190 VIC --- THE REAL WAITING GAME BEGINS!!!
    31 Oct | ITA | 190 VIC | never thought this day would come!!! T.T good decision to defer NSW nomination.
    27 Oct | Pre-ITA | 190 NSW --- sabi nila, when it rains, it pours!!!
    26 Oct | Nomination Application | 190 VIC
    26 Oct | Pre-ITA | 190 VIC --- one step closer, sa wakas, PADAYON!!!
    21 Oct | EOI #4, #5 + ROI, #6 DoE | 189, 190 VIC, 190 NSW
    21 Oct | ACS Assessment (Wife) Renewal - Suitable
    xx Mar| EOI#1, #2, #3 | 189 Expired, 190 NSW Expired, 190 VIC Expired

    2021 - Pandemic Still

    25 Sep | ACS Assessment (Main) Renewal - Suitable
    01 Feb | EOI#4 DoE | 189

    2020 - Pandemic

    19 Aug | EOI#1, #2, #3 DoE | 189, 190 NSW, 190 VIC
    30 Jul | NAATI CCL Online Test | Result: Passed
    09 Mar | PTE (Wife) | Results: L90 R80 S90 W82 (Superior)
    19 Feb | PTE (Main) | Results: L90 R83 S90 W82 (Superior)
    12 Feb | ACS Assessment (Wife) - Suitable | Expired


    24 Oct | ACS Assessment (Main) - Suitable | Expired


    --- Tons of research, document collection and other necessary preparations ---
    01 Sep | The Beginning | Had the chance to visit Oz, and immediately fell in love with it!

  • tofu888tofu888 Australia
    Posts: 80Member
    Joined: Mar 15, 2023


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @BoSSBaby | Telecommunications Engineer | 491 (SA) | July 7, 2023 | 70 | offshore
    @mathilde9 | Software Engineer | 190, 491 (NSW+VIC) | January 2022 | 80, 90 | offshore
    @kicks | Engineering Technologist | 189, 190 & 491 | July 21, 2023 | 70, 75 & 85 | offshore
    @rei1995 | Naval Architect | 189, 190 & 491 | June 1, 2023 | 75, 80 & 90 | offshore
    @alibanini1209 | Chemical Engineer | 189 | Apr 3, 2023 | 85 | onshore
    @CornDogIsYum | Project Administrator| 190,491| July 21, 2023 | 90,100 | offshore
    @audreamscometrue | Software Engineer | 189, 190 | February 2023 | 85, 90 | offshore
    @tofu888 | Civil Engineer | 189, 190(NSW+VIC) | May, July 2023| 80, 85 | offshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation



    jan 8: lodged visa 476

    earning experience in ph

    2023 (Visa 189/190)
    jan 16: started planning 189/190 visa application
    feb 01: EA assessment - started collecting required docs
    feb 24: PTE - enrolled in APEUni
    mar 01: PTE - booked my exam
    apr 04: PTE - exam at Trident Makati
    apr 05: PTE - got my result (superior)
    apr 11: EA assessment - CDR+RSEA+fast track submitted
    may 12: EA assessment - assessment in progress
    may 16: EA assessment - awaiting information for requested docs
    may 19: EA assessment - provided requested docs
    may 22: EA assessment result - positive outcome
    jun 09: visa 476 - re-medical & form80 requested; form 80 submitted
    jun 20: visa 476 - re-medical
    jun 26: visa 476 - further assessment status
    jul 02: EOI - submitted 190(VIC) - 80+5 pts
    jul 18: visa 476 - grant!!
    sep 04: accepted a job offer!!
    oct 10: BM to Sydney for vacay
    oct 20: flight to Melbourne
    oct 21: ROI - submitted (VIC)
    oct 23: first day of work
    nov 29: EOI: pre-invite received!
    dec 01: accepted pre-invite
    dec 14: received my ITA (VIC)
    dec 17: lodge visa 190

    ~ you'll never know how far you can go, unless you take risk of going far ~

  • diannegrace5diannegrace5 Posts: 65Member
    Joined: Oct 22, 2022


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @BoSSBaby | Telecommunications Engineer | 491 (SA) | July 7, 2023 | 70 | offshore
    @mathilde9 | Software Engineer | 190, 491 (NSW+VIC) | January 2022 | 80, 90 | offshore
    @kicks | Engineering Technologist | 189, 190 & 491 | July 21, 2023 | 70, 75 & 85 | offshore
    @rei1995 | Naval Architect | 189, 190 & 491 | June 1, 2023 | 75, 80 & 90 | offshore
    @alibanini1209 | Chemical Engineer | 189 | Apr 3, 2023 | 85 | onshore
    @CornDogIsYum | Project Administrator| 190,491| July 21, 2023 | 90,100 | offshore
    @audreamscometrue | Software Engineer | 189, 190 | February 2023 | 85, 90 | offshore
    @tofu888 | Civil Engineer | 189, 190(NSW+VIC) | May, July 2023| 80, 85 | offshore
    @diannegrace5 | Chemistry Technician | 491, 190 (Vic, SA) | June 2023 | 80, 70 | offshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation

  • kirstinkirstin Posts: 65Member
    Joined: May 30, 2022


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @BoSSBaby | Telecommunications Engineer | 491 (SA) | July 7, 2023 | 70 | offshore
    @mathilde9 | Software Engineer | 190, 491 (NSW+VIC) | January 2022 | 80, 90 | offshore
    @kicks | Engineering Technologist | 189, 190 & 491 | July 21, 2023 | 70, 75 & 85 | offshore
    @rei1995 | Naval Architect | 189, 190 & 491 | June 1, 2023 | 75, 80 & 90 | offshore
    @alibanini1209 | Chemical Engineer | 189 | Apr 3, 2023 | 85 | onshore
    @CornDogIsYum | Project Administrator| 190,491| July 21, 2023 | 90,100 | offshore
    @audreamscometrue | Software Engineer | 189, 190 | February 2023 | 85, 90 | offshore
    @tofu888 | Civil Engineer | 189, 190(NSW+VIC) | May, July 2023| 80, 85 | offshore
    @diannegrace5 | Chemistry Technician | 491, 190 (Vic, SA) | June 2023 | 80, 70 | offshore
    @kirstin | architectural draftsperson | 190 (Vic, NSW) | April 2023 | 80 | offshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation


    ANZSCO 312111 - Architectural draftsperson (OFFSHORE)
    90 points

    October - Contact Agent (ACN Southern Migration)

    09 July - Vetasses assessment for Architectural draftsperson (w/ husband)
    20 December - Husband positive result for vetasses (4.70 years)
    29 December - My assessment came out positive (5.40 years)

    March - April - preparing for PTE exam
    15 April - Husband and I got Proficient PTE scores
    16 April - submitted EOI & ROI to NSW & VIC for subclass 190
    07 September - PTE second attempt (Still proficient)
    30 September - PTE third attempt (Superior)
    02 October - updated EOI due to PTE score (superior)
    19 October - Received pre-invite VIC 190 for 90 points
    19 October - Applied for VIC nomination
    26 October - Received email from skill select that my points changed from 90 to 95 points due to years of experience.
    17 November - VIC nomination approved. Thank you Lord!
    1 December - SC 190 VIC visa lodged. Thank you Lord!
    18 December -Medical done.

    19 April - Received pre-invite NSW 190 for 95 points - disregarded as VIC 190 already lodged


  • fmp_921fmp_921 Singapore
    Posts: 53Member
    Joined: Jul 27, 2023


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @BoSSBaby | Telecommunications Engineer | 491 (SA) | July 7, 2023 | 70 | offshore
    @mathilde9 | Software Engineer | 190, 491 (NSW+VIC) | January 2022 | 80, 90 | offshore
    @kicks | Engineering Technologist | 189, 190 & 491 | July 21, 2023 | 70, 75 & 85 | offshore
    @rei1995 | Naval Architect | 189, 190 & 491 | June 1, 2023 | 75, 80 & 90 | offshore
    @alibanini1209 | Chemical Engineer | 189 | Apr 3, 2023 | 85 | onshore
    @CornDogIsYum | Project Administrator| 190,491| July 21, 2023 | 90,100 | offshore
    @audreamscometrue | Software Engineer | 189, 190 | February 2023 | 85, 90 | offshore
    @tofu888 | Civil Engineer | 189, 190(NSW+VIC) | May, July 2023| 80, 85 | offshore
    @diannegrace5 | Chemistry Technician | 491, 190 (Vic, SA) | June 2023 | 80, 70 | offshore
    @kirstin | architectural draftsperson | 190 (Vic, NSW) | April 2023 | 80 | offshore
    @fmp_921 | archi draftsperson | 190 (NSW,VIC) | July 2023 | 95 | offshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation


    ANZSCO 312111 - Architectural draftsperson
    95 points

    8 July 2023 - EOI
    12 September 2023 - ROI (VIC)
    25 September 2023 - Pre-invite (VIC)
    25 September 2023 - Nomination Application
    9 October 2023 - Nomination Approval, ITA
    12 October 2023 - 190 Visa Lodgement
    14 October 2023 - Medical exam
    17 October 2023 - Medical cleared
    VISA GRANT - (hopefully today!!!)

  • OzdrimsOzdrims Singapore
    Posts: 1,161Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jul 09, 2019


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @BoSSBaby | Telecommunications Engineer | 491 (SA) | July 7, 2023 | 70 | offshore
    @mathilde9 | Software Engineer | 190, 491 (NSW+VIC) | January 2022 | 80, 90 | offshore
    @kicks | Engineering Technologist | 189, 190 & 491 | July 21, 2023 | 70, 75 & 85 | offshore
    @rei1995 | Naval Architect | 189, 190 & 491 | June 1, 2023 | 75, 80 & 90 | offshore
    @alibanini1209 | Chemical Engineer | 189 | Apr 3, 2023 | 85 | onshore
    @CornDogIsYum | Project Administrator| 190,491| July 21, 2023 | 90,100 | offshore
    @audreamscometrue | Software Engineer | 189, 190 | February 2023 | 85, 90 | offshore
    @tofu888 | Civil Engineer | 189, 190(NSW+VIC) | May, July 2023| 80, 85 | offshore
    @diannegrace5 | Chemistry Technician | 491, 190 (Vic, SA) | June 2023 | 80, 70 | offshore
    @kirstin | architectural draftsperson | 190 (Vic, NSW) | April 2023 | 80 | offshore
    @fmp_921 | archi draftsperson | 190 (NSW, VIC) | July 2023 | 95 | offshore
    @Ozdrims | Civil Engineer| 189, 190 (NSW) | July 11,2023 | 80, 85 | offshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation

    ANZSCO 233211 Civil Engineer (Offshore) | Age: 25| English: 20 | Experience: 15| Education: 15 | Partner Points: 05 (Competent English)|NAATI: 05 |State :05
    SC190 NSW = 90
    17 Apr 2023: Took PTE Exam: Superior
    29 May 2023: Spouse PTE Exam: Competent
    15 May 2023: Submitted relevant employment docs, work pass and DRAFT CDR to agent
    29 May 2023: Agent submitted EA MSA CDR + RSEA to Engineers Australia
    8 July 2023: EA MSA CDR + RSEA result: Suitable for migration
    26 July 2023: took the NAATI CCL
    13 Aug 2023 : results out for NAATI exam
    15 Aug 2023: Agent updated EOI for CCL points (+5)
    13 Sep 2023: Agent created EOI for SC 190 NSW
    02 Nov 2023: Pre-invited by NSW
    06 Nov 2023: Nomination submitted to NSW
    09 Nov 2023: Nomination application approved & ITA received
    29 Nov 2023: Visa lodgment and medicals booked
    11 Dec 2023 : Medicals completed
    xx-xx-xx - Visa GRANT

  • cromcoiscromcois Philippines
    Posts: 11Member
    Joined: Feb 03, 2023


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @BoSSBaby | Telecommunications Engineer | 491 (SA) | July 7, 2023 | 70 | offshore
    @mathilde9 | Software Engineer | 190, 491 (NSW+VIC) | January 2022 | 80, 90 | offshore
    @kicks | Engineering Technologist | 189, 190 & 491 | July 21, 2023 | 70, 75 & 85 | offshore
    @rei1995 | Naval Architect | 189, 190 & 491 | June 1, 2023 | 75, 80 & 90 | offshore
    @alibanini1209 | Chemical Engineer | 189 | Apr 3, 2023 | 85 | onshore
    @CornDogIsYum | Project Administrator| 190,491| July 21, 2023 | 90,100 | offshore
    @audreamscometrue | Software Engineer | 189, 190 | February 2023 | 85, 90 | offshore
    @tofu888 | Civil Engineer | 189, 190(NSW+VIC) | May, July 2023| 80, 85 | offshore
    @diannegrace5 | Chemistry Technician | 491, 190 (Vic, SA) | June 2023 | 80, 70 | offshore
    @kirstin | architectural draftsperson | 190 (Vic, NSW) | April 2023 | 80 | offshore
    @fmp_921 | archi draftsperson | 190 (NSW, VIC) | July 2023 | 95 | offshore
    @Ozdrims | Civil Engineer| 189, 190 (NSW) | July 11,2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @cromcois | Chemist | 189 & 190 | July 2023 |75, 80 | offshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation


    Nominated Occupation: 234211 (Chemist)
    Feb 14, 2023 - Lodged VETASSESS assessment
    July 4, 2023 - Positive Assessment
    July 14, 2023 - PTE Exam (Superior English)
    July 16, 2023 - Submitted EOI (189/190 VIC) - 75/80
    July 20, 2023 - Submitted EOI (190 NSW) - 80
    waiting game...

  • enrico0919enrico0919 Posts: 260Member
    Joined: May 02, 2022
    edited July 2023


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @BoSSBaby | Telecommunications Engineer | 491 (SA) | July 7, 2023 | 70 | offshore
    @mathilde9 | Software Engineer | 190, 491 (NSW+VIC) | January 2022 | 80, 90 | offshore
    @kicks | Engineering Technologist | 189, 190 & 491 | July 21, 2023 | 70, 75 & 85 | offshore
    @rei1995 | Naval Architect | 189, 190 & 491 | June 1, 2023 | 75, 80 & 90 | offshore
    @alibanini1209 | Chemical Engineer | 189 | Apr 3, 2023 | 85 | onshore
    @CornDogIsYum | Project Administrator| 190,491| July 21, 2023 | 90,100 | offshore
    @audreamscometrue | Software Engineer | 189, 190 | February 2023 | 85, 90 | offshore
    @tofu888 | Civil Engineer | 189, 190(NSW+VIC) | May, July 2023| 80, 85 | offshore
    @diannegrace5 | Chemistry Technician | 491, 190 (Vic, SA) | June 2023 | 80, 70 | offshore
    @kirstin | architectural draftsperson | 190 (Vic, NSW) | April 2023 | 80 | offshore
    @fmp_921 | archi draftsperson | 190 (NSW, VIC) | July 2023 | 95 | offshore
    @Ozdrims | Civil Engineer| 189, 190 (NSW) | July 11,2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @cromcois | Chemist | 189 & 190 | July 2023 |75, 80 | offshore
    @enrico0919 | Medical Laboratory Technician | 190 (NSW, VIC) | April 14, 2023 | 80 | offshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation

  • bakedmac1907bakedmac1907 Posts: 29Member
    Joined: Aug 08, 2022


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @BoSSBaby | Telecommunications Engineer | 491 (SA) | July 7, 2023 | 70 | offshore
    @mathilde9 | Software Engineer | 190, 491 (NSW+VIC) | January 2022 | 80, 90 | offshore
    @kicks | Engineering Technologist | 189, 190 & 491 | July 21, 2023 | 70, 75 & 85 | offshore
    @rei1995 | Naval Architect | 189, 190 & 491 | June 1, 2023 | 75, 80 & 90 | offshore
    @alibanini1209 | Chemical Engineer | 189 | Apr 3, 2023 | 85 | onshore
    @CornDogIsYum | Project Administrator| 190,491| July 21, 2023 | 90,100 | offshore
    @audreamscometrue | Software Engineer | 189, 190 | February 2023 | 85, 90 | offshore
    @tofu888 | Civil Engineer | 189, 190(NSW+VIC) | May, July 2023| 80, 85 | offshore
    @diannegrace5 | Chemistry Technician | 491, 190 (Vic, SA) | June 2023 | 80, 70 | offshore
    @kirstin | architectural draftsperson | 190 (Vic, NSW) | April 2023 | 80 | offshore
    @fmp_921 | archi draftsperson | 190 (NSW, VIC) | July 2023 | 95 | offshore
    @Ozdrims | Civil Engineer| 189, 190 (NSW) | July 11,2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @cromcois | Chemist | 189 & 190 | July 2023 |75, 80 | offshore
    @enrico0919 | Medical Laboratory Technician | 190 (NSW, VIC) | April 14, 2023 | 80 | offshore
    @bakedmac1907 | Computer Network & System Engineer | 189, 190(NSW, VIC), 491 NSW | Feb 3, 2023(190 VIC), March 6, 2023(190, 491 NSW), March 9, 2023(189) | 80, 85, 95 | offshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation


    ANZSCO Code : Computer Network and Systems Engineer (263111)
    Age: 25 | English PTE: 20 | Education:15 | State Nomination: 5 | Work: 10 | Partner : 10
    Visa 189 : 80 Visa 190 : 85
    Nov 9, 2022 - submitted ACS skill assessment for Computer Network & Systems Engineer
    Dec 5, 2022 - PTE S: 90 W: 88 R: 90 L: 83
    Jan 24, 2023 - ACS Result - Positive
    Feb 3, 2023 - Lodge EOI 189 and 190 VIC (189:75 points & VIC - 190:80points)
    March 6, 2023 - Lodge 190 & 491 NSW
    March 9, 2023 - Partner skills assessment positive result
    March 9, 2023 - Relodge EOI with updated points(189:80 points, NSW & VIC - 190:85points, 491:95points)
    July 26, 2023 - took NAATI CCL test(sana pumasa)

  • eruditekideruditekid Posts: 2Member
    Joined: Jan 19, 2023


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @BoSSBaby | Telecommunications Engineer | 491 (SA) | July 7, 2023 | 70 | offshore
    @mathilde9 | Software Engineer | 190, 491 (NSW+VIC) | January 2022 | 80, 90 | offshore
    @kicks | Engineering Technologist | 189, 190 & 491 | July 21, 2023 | 70, 75 & 85 | offshore
    @rei1995 | Naval Architect | 189, 190 & 491 | June 1, 2023 | 75, 80 & 90 | offshore
    @alibanini1209 | Chemical Engineer | 189 | Apr 3, 2023 | 85 | onshore
    @CornDogIsYum | Project Administrator| 190,491| July 21, 2023 | 90,100 | offshore
    @audreamscometrue | Software Engineer | 189, 190 | February 2023 | 85, 90 | offshore
    @tofu888 | Civil Engineer | 189, 190(NSW+VIC) | May, July 2023| 80, 85 | offshore
    @diannegrace5 | Chemistry Technician | 491, 190 (Vic, SA) | June 2023 | 80, 70 | offshore
    @kirstin | architectural draftsperson | 190 (Vic, NSW) | April 2023 | 80 | offshore
    @fmp_921 | archi draftsperson | 190 (NSW, VIC) | July 2023 | 95 | offshore
    @Ozdrims | Civil Engineer| 189, 190 (NSW) | July 11,2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @cromcois | Chemist | 189 & 190 | July 2023 |75, 80 | offshore
    @enrico0919 | Medical Laboratory Technician | 190 (NSW, VIC) | April 14, 2023 | 80 | offshore
    @bakedmac1907 | Computer Network & System Engineer | 189, 190(NSW, VIC), 491 NSW | Feb 3, 2023(190 VIC), March 6, 2023(190, 491 NSW), March 9, 2023(189) | 80, 85, 95 | offshore
    @eruditekid | Quality Assurance Manager | 190 NSW | July 03, 2023 | 85 | offshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation

  • Jco15Jco15 Posts: 116Member
    Joined: Nov 13, 2022


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @BoSSBaby | Telecommunications Engineer | 491 (SA) | July 7, 2023 | 70 | offshore
    @mathilde9 | Software Engineer | 190, 491 (NSW+VIC) | January 2022 | 80, 90 | offshore
    @kicks | Engineering Technologist | 189, 190 & 491 | July 21, 2023 | 70, 75 & 85 | offshore
    @rei1995 | Naval Architect | 189, 190 & 491 | June 1, 2023 | 75, 80 & 90 | offshore
    @alibanini1209 | Chemical Engineer | 189 | Apr 3, 2023 | 85 | onshore
    @CornDogIsYum | Project Administrator| 190,491| July 21, 2023 | 90,100 | offshore
    @audreamscometrue | Software Engineer | 189, 190 | February 2023 | 85, 90 | offshore
    @tofu888 | Civil Engineer | 189, 190(NSW+VIC) | May, July 2023| 80, 85 | offshore
    @diannegrace5 | Chemistry Technician | 491, 190 (Vic, SA) | June 2023 | 80, 70 | offshore
    @kirstin | architectural draftsperson | 190 (Vic, NSW) | April 2023 | 80 | offshore
    @fmp_921 | archi draftsperson | 190 (NSW, VIC) | July 2023 | 95 | offshore
    @Ozdrims | Civil Engineer| 189, 190 (NSW) | July 11,2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @cromcois | Chemist | 189 & 190 | July 2023 |75, 80 | offshore
    @enrico0919 | Medical Laboratory Technician | 190 (NSW, VIC) | April 14, 2023 | 80 | offshore
    @bakedmac1907 | Computer Network & System Engineer | 189, 190(NSW, VIC), 491 NSW | Feb 3, 2023(190 VIC), March 6, 2023(190, 491 NSW), March 9, 2023(189) | 80, 85, 95 | offshore
    @eruditekid | Quality Assurance Manager | 190 NSW | July 03, 2023 | 85 | offshore
    @Jco15 | Mechanical Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | May 11, 2023 | 75, 80 | offshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation


    Nominated Occupation: Mechanical Engineer
    ANZSCO Code: 233512

  • nika1234nika1234 Posts: 62Member
    Joined: Feb 21, 2023


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @BoSSBaby | Telecommunications Engineer | 491 (SA) | July 7, 2023 | 70 | offshore
    @mathilde9 | Software Engineer | 190, 491 (NSW+VIC) | January 2022 | 80, 90 | offshore
    @kicks | Engineering Technologist | 189, 190 & 491 | July 21, 2023 | 70, 75 & 85 | offshore
    @rei1995 | Naval Architect | 189, 190 & 491 | June 1, 2023 | 75, 80 & 90 | offshore
    @alibanini1209 | Chemical Engineer | 189 | Apr 3, 2023 | 85 | onshore
    @CornDogIsYum | Project Administrator| 190,491| July 21, 2023 | 90,100 | offshore
    @audreamscometrue | Software Engineer | 189, 190 | February 2023 | 85, 90 | offshore
    @tofu888 | Civil Engineer | 189, 190(NSW+VIC) | May, July 2023| 80, 85 | offshore
    @diannegrace5 | Chemistry Technician | 491, 190 (Vic, SA) | June 2023 | 80, 70 | offshore
    @kirstin | architectural draftsperson | 190 (Vic, NSW) | April 2023 | 80 | offshore
    @fmp_921 | archi draftsperson | 190 (NSW, VIC) | July 2023 | 95 | offshore
    @Ozdrims | Civil Engineer| 189, 190 (NSW) | July 11,2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @cromcois | Chemist | 189 & 190 | July 2023 |75, 80 | offshore
    @enrico0919 | Medical Laboratory Technician | 190 (NSW, VIC) | April 14, 2023 | 80 | offshore
    @bakedmac1907 | Computer Network & System Engineer | 189, 190(NSW, VIC), 491 NSW | Feb 3, 2023(190 VIC), March 6, 2023(190, 491 NSW), March 9, 2023(189) | 80, 85, 95 | offshore
    @eruditekid | Quality Assurance Manager | 190 NSW | July 03, 2023 | 85 | offshore
    @Jco15 | Mechanical Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | May 11, 2023 | 75, 80 | offshore
    @nika1234 | Industrial Engineer | 189, 190, 491 | July 2023 | 80, 85, 95 | offshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation


    Road to Australia:

    October 2022 - Decided to pursue migrating to AU
    October 2, 2022 - Took IELTS (Competent)
    November 28, 2022 - Husband submitted skills assessment (Vetassess)
    February 15, 2023 - Vetassess requested additional documents
    March 28, 2023 - Vetassess result (Negative); Decided to pursue EA for assessment and be the main applicant instead
    April 5, 2023 - Submitted CDR (EA) - Fast track - Degree only
    May 8, 2023 - In progress, EA requested to reupload passport photo
    May 9, 2023 - Took PTE (Superior - S: 90, R: 90, W: 90, L:90)
    May 10, 2023 - EA positive outcome
    May 12, 2023 - Submitted EOI to states
    June 20, 2023 - Submitted additional RSEA to EA
    July 5, 2023 - EA positive outcome for work experience (5 years)
    July 6, 2023 - EOIs updated to claim additional work experience points (189: 80, 190: 85, 491: 95)
    Oct 9, 2023 - Husband submitted skills assessment (EA)
    Oct 31, 2023 - Husband positive skills assessment outcome; EOIs updated to claim additional partner points (189: 85, 190: 90, 491: 100)
    Nov 1, 2023 - ROIs update (VIC, ACT)
    Nov 29, 2023 - Pre-invite VIC
    Dec 12, 2023 - VIC Nomination Approval // Received ITA
    Dec 15, 2023 - Visa lodgment
    Dec 27, 2023 - Medical
    Jan 5, 2024 - Medicals cleared (Main Applicant) / Examination ready for assessment (Dependent)
    Feb 5, 2024 - Negative sputum test (Dependent)
    Apr 2, 2024 - SLEC evaluation - Negative (Culture test)
    Apr 16, 2024 - Medicals cleared in system (Dependent)
    May 7, 2024 - Applied for Tourist Visa (SC 600 - Tourism) to visit Australia while waiting for grant
    May 21, 2024 - Tourist Visa Grant (SC 600 - Tourism)
    XX- 190 visa grant

    Points breakdown - 90 points
    Age 30 | English 20 | Degree 15 | Experience 10 | Partner 10 | State 5

  • kimgilbiekimgilbie Davao
    Posts: 49Member
    Joined: Apr 30, 2023


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore
    @br00dling365 | Software Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | June 24, 2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @BoSSBaby | Telecommunications Engineer | 491 (SA) | July 7, 2023 | 70 | offshore
    @mathilde9 | Software Engineer | 190, 491 (NSW+VIC) | January 2022 | 80, 90 | offshore
    @kicks | Engineering Technologist | 189, 190 & 491 | July 21, 2023 | 70, 75 & 85 | offshore
    @rei1995 | Naval Architect | 189, 190 & 491 | June 1, 2023 | 75, 80 & 90 | offshore
    @alibanini1209 | Chemical Engineer | 189 | Apr 3, 2023 | 85 | onshore
    @CornDogIsYum | Project Administrator| 190,491| July 21, 2023 | 90,100 | offshore
    @audreamscometrue | Software Engineer | 189, 190 | February 2023 | 85, 90 | offshore
    @tofu888 | Civil Engineer | 189, 190(NSW+VIC) | May, July 2023| 80, 85 | offshore
    @diannegrace5 | Chemistry Technician | 491, 190 (Vic, SA) | June 2023 | 80, 70 | offshore
    @kirstin | architectural draftsperson | 190 (Vic, NSW) | April 2023 | 80 | offshore
    @fmp_921 | archi draftsperson | 190 (NSW, VIC) | July 2023 | 95 | offshore
    @Ozdrims | Civil Engineer| 189, 190 (NSW) | July 11,2023 | 80, 85 | offshore
    @cromcois | Chemist | 189 & 190 | July 2023 |75, 80 | offshore
    @enrico0919 | Medical Laboratory Technician | 190 (NSW, VIC) | April 14, 2023 | 80 | offshore
    @bakedmac1907 | Computer Network & System Engineer | 189, 190(NSW, VIC), 491 NSW | Feb 3, 2023(190 VIC), March 6, 2023(190, 491 NSW), March 9, 2023(189) | 80, 85, 95 | offshore
    @eruditekid | Quality Assurance Manager | 190 NSW | July 03, 2023 | 85 | offshore
    @Jco15 | Mechanical Engineer | 189, 190 (VIC) | May 11, 2023 | 75, 80 | offshore
    @nika1234 | Industrial Engineer | 189, 190, 491 | July 2023 | 80, 85, 95 | offshore
    @kimgilbie | Civil Engineer | 189, 190(NSW+VIC+SA) | July 2023| 80, 85 | offshore


    Username | Occupation | Visa | EOI submission date | Points | offshore or onshore I Date of Invitation


    233211 - Civil Engineer | Age: 30 | English: 20 | Work (offshore) : 5 | Qualification: 15 | Single: 10 | NAATI: 5 Total: 85 (SC189) | 90 (SC190) | 100 (SC 491)

    25 April 2023: Booked PTE Exam
    03 June 2023: PTE Examination
    03 June 2023: Same day result (L-69, R-62, S-58, W-72) Competent
    10 June 2023: Submitted CDR+RSEA
    19 June 2023: Booked 2nd PTE Exam
    14 July 2023: Received Positive Assessment - SUPER HAPPY!!! THANK YOU LORD!!
    22 July 2023: SUPERIOR PTE YEEEY (L-79, R-79, S-88, W-83)
    24 July 2023: EOI Submission (189, 190&491VIC, 190&491NSW, 190&491SA, 190&491WA)
    28 August 2023: Booked Naati Exam
    20 September 2023: Naati Exam Date
    1 October 2023: Passed Naati
    1 October 2023: Updated all EOIs
    25 October 2023: Received 491 invitation from QLD
    17 November 2023: Received 491 Final Invitation
    28 November 2023: Lodged 491 Visa

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