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Regional NSW - Southern Inland

raiden14raiden14 SydneyPosts: 704Member
edited September 2013 in Working and skilled visas
Anyone here who had migrated to Regional NSW specifically for Souther Inland? Any thought?s

Visa Grant - Dec 22, 2015


  • roxancamilleroxancamille Mandaluyong
    Posts: 5Member
    Joined: Sep 16, 2014
    Hi raiden, I just got my sponsorship from southern inland. Waiting now for the email from DIBP so I can lodge EOI. How are you in SI?
  • roxancamilleroxancamille Mandaluyong
    Posts: 5Member
    Joined: Sep 16, 2014
    Hi @raiden14, I just got my sponsorship from southern inland. Waiting now for the email from DIBP so I can lodge EOI. How are you in SI?
  • downunder15downunder15 Posts: 137Member
    Joined: Nov 30, 2015
    Would like to know if how you folks rent out an apartment in the Southern Inland without being employed? Because I've read from the and realestate website that before renting, there will be a viewing for the apartment first and you should have an employment information or in such.
    I am expecting my visa to be granted early next year. So, I am on a hunt for an apartment to live in.

    (partner) 60 points
    Lodged 489 provisional visa w/ de facto : Jan 2016
    CO Allocated (GSM Brisbane): Feb 2016
    PC/NBI Uploaded : Feb 2016
    Grant: April 2016

    Lodged 887 PR - July 2018
    887 PR Granted - Direct Grant Sept 2019

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