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Need help and guidance

aloidflipaloidflip MandaluyongPosts: 13Member
edited September 2013 in Study and Training Visa
Hi Everyone!

My name is Francis and I need help about the financial requirements before I lodge my student visa application.

CoE - check! I have these already and enrolled
IELTS - check! I have the results too.

Question #1: Which is best to lodge a Visa Application? Via Online or Post Mail? Which is faster and reliable?

Question #2: My "show money" is at it's 2nd month on my account. Is it OK to get the bank statement now and lodge my application or should I really wait for it to age for 3 months?

Question #3: Also I have 2 Australian Citizen brothers living in Queensland where my School is located, I will also stay with them. If I ask them for an Affidavit of Support backed with bank statements and payslips is it OK to lodge my application now even though the "show money" is not aged at 3 months yet? Do you think my visa will get approved?

I hope someone can help me. If you can add me on Skype: francisdiola it's much appreciated so that it's much easier to talk and easy for my to understand.

Thank You! More power mga Pinoys! :)


Visa Subclass 572 - Student Visa

Bound for Brisbane Queensland July 2014

April 2013 - Passed IELTS Test
March 2014 - Received Letter of Offer
March 2014 - Enrolled at ACIT Queensland - COE Received


  • iheartoziheartoz Sydney
    Posts: 337Member
    Joined: Feb 12, 2013
    @aloidflip i cannot answer the first question 'coz i did it thru IDP. but for the 2nd and 3rd...well, based on my readings here, DIAC will ask for bank statements of a three-month period. that's just how it is. those documents you mentioned, i believe, you really are required to provide for those if you have sponsors--along with the 3 months bank statements.
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