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Looking for a spare room for 1 night accommodation.

MilkanMilkan PerthPosts: 134Member
edited May 2014 in Housing & Rentals
Hi there,
I'm a male and looking for accommodation for 1 night only and willing to pay $50 on Oct. 5
Preferably near East Perth train station or a house/unit close to train stations such as Daglish, Subiaco, West Leederville, Leederville, Mc Iver, Claisebrook, Belmont Park, Victoria Park, Mt. Lawley, Maylands.
I'm easy going, non smoker and working in Kalgoorlie.
Please send pm.


  • JCsantosJCsantos Sydney
    Posts: 1,416Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jan 11, 2011
    Bumping an old thread , I am looking for room to let for my sister for 1 week stay mid June please send me a PM if you do have

    Google for Everything !!!

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