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Anyone Want To Help Me Livestream The Phil Fiesta in Victoria Over the Internet?

reggiegullereggiegulle SydneyPosts: 3Member
edited November 2013 in Victoria - Melbourne
Hello all peepz. There will be a Phil. Fiesta in Melbourne this coming Nov 23 and 24. I am just trying to see if my fellow Filipinos diyan sa Victoria can help me stream the event live on the internet. Ang kailangan lang are willing persons who can participate in a Google Hangout during the event using good smartphones. I know how to put the hangout into the web and make it accessible to any netizen who may be willing to watch. I'm just hoping to make the Phil Fiesta accessible and watchable to many other Pinoys who may want to know what actually happens there. If you have any questions, just post it here or you can email me at [email protected]

Hope to hear from anyone who is interested.
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