hi everyone, i have a dilemma on which occupation should I apply for assessment in VETASSES which will give me more advantage. I am a licensed food technologist and has been a quality specialist for 4 years before i was promoted into my current role. However, my current role is different now from being a QA specialist, which now falls under a managerial category, and i'm already on my 3rd year on this current role. Would it be okay if i still apply for Food Technologist or should I be applying now as Prod Manager? any insights would be appreciated. thank you!
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You just need to check which in the past ,had these occupations possess a higher rate of invites and potentially can give you more chance na mainvite. Just do a research separately -that can give you the key in deciding which one to go.
On my research just now - one was invited for Food Technologist in VIC -190 last 19 Oct 2023 and one in WA (under Graduate Stream -PHD and Masters ) last 14 Oct 2023 , while for 189 the last round was in Dec 8 2022.
you can check it here:
while for Prod Manager (i assume is under manufacturing?)
is eligible for 190/491 recent invites were coming from ACT and WA (Under WASMOL 2 Stream) April and May 2024 ,while in VIC i saw one in Jan 2023
you can check it here:
If considering the above data - Food Technologist seems to be eligible in more pathways than Production Manager - while the latter is being invited in states that are hardly open for offshore applicants (ACT and WA)
ANZSCO 233211 Civil Engineer (Offshore) | Age: 25| English: 20 | Experience: 15| Education: 15 | Partner Points: 05 (Competent English) |NAATI: 05 |State :05
SC190 NSW = 90
17 Apr 2023: Took PTE Exam: Superior
29 May 2023: Spouse PTE Exam: Competent
15 May 2023: Submitted relevant employment docs, work pass and DRAFT CDR to agent
29 May 2023: Agent submitted EA MSA CDR + RSEA to Engineers Australia
8 July 2023: EA MSA CDR + RSEA result: Suitable for migration
26 July 2023: took the NAATI CCL
13 Aug 2023: results out for NAATI exam
15 Aug 2023: Agent updated EOI for CCL points (+5)
13 Sep 2023: Agent created EOI for SC 190 NSW
02 Nov 2023: Pre-invited by NSW
06 Nov 2023: Nomination submitted to NSW
09 Nov 2023: Nomination application approved & ITA received
29 Nov 2023: Visa lodgment and medicals booked
11 Dec 2023: Medicals completed
11 October 2024: started the renewal of PCC /COC/NBI clearances SG and PH for both of us
14 November 2024: Updated COCs for both of us and wife's NBI cert to IMMI through agent
4 December 2024: I updated my NBI certificate by myself
xx-xx-xx - Visa GRANT