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Understanding the Education System in Australia

TotoyOZresidentTotoyOZresident Posts: 1,327Member, Moderator
One of the best reasons why people and families migrate to Australia is the excellent education system. There are schools and courses available for students for each life stage. Also, Australia boasts of some of the best schools and institutions in the world so graduates can be globally competent in the particular field they have chosen.

For Kids

Preschool education is available for children from three to five years of age. Children are not imposed to enter preschool and most classes are only for a few hours on weekdays. Preschool is a great way for young kids to start getting acquainted with the basics of school education as well as improve their social skills by meeting new friends and classmates.

In primary school, students start as early as five years old. There are eight themes that constitute primary school learning namely mathematics, English, science, language other than English, society and environment, art, technology and health and physical education. Primary school is required and students attend for six to eight hours each day, 40 weeks each year.

Secondary school is compulsory for older children usually starting at 13 years of age. Some of the core subjects that students have to learn include mathematics, science and English. There are also electives or subjects that will prepare them for future courses. There are also extracurricular activities offered for students in Australia to have a well-rounded education. Depending on the institution, students may or may not be required to wear uniform although most have a dress code.

University and Postgraduate Studies

In Australia, there are several world-famous universities and colleges that offer a variety of courses. There are also research and technology institutions, some of which require students to pass an entrance exam first to become qualified. There are official websites for some colleges and schools for students to get full information on tuition fees, courses, subjects and other offers.

VET or Vocational Education and Training and TAFE or Technical and Further Education are also available for students who intend to focus on specific skills and fields. Colleges offer specific courses for students to become better equipped when working for particular businesses and industries such as culinary studies, hotel and restaurant management or software development.

Students in Australia can also get training and education in an actual office. Many TAFE colleges and institutes partner with businesses to give students the proper stimulation that will prepare them for future work. Business owners also get the benefit of having extra workers available. Some offices and workplaces tend to hire students after they graduate.

Compare your options when planning to study in Australia. Find out more about the best institutes and colleges around the country based on your specific skills and interest.


"Wise men learn from their mistakes, but wiser men learn from the mistakes of others."
'Success is when you finished what you have started."

If you’re looking for Church in Canberra ACT Australia and you want to fellowship with Christian Filipino Australian.
Come and join us in Jesus Is Lord Church Canberra service every Sunday at 10:30AM to 12:30PM
Where: 53 Georgina Crescent, Kaleen ACT 2617
(Back of Kaleen Shopping Centre)
For more information, please PM me or visit

"To God be the glory"

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