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Police Clearance for ex-Saudi Arabia OFW applicants

emonsantoemonsanto MandaluyongPosts: 66Member
Good day to all!

I posted this at the "Other Migration Topics" category but I think it's more relevant here.. :)

We all know that one of the requirements for the visa application ay ang Police Clearance.

Howver, for those who already exited Saudi Arabia for a long time,this is a dificult thing to obtain.

I read this line, as mentioned in page 76 of the Character Requirement pdf document from the Australian Immigration website (

Non-Saudi citizens:

Currently non-Saudi citizens are unable to obtain a police certificate fromSaudi Arabia. However, you will need to provide DIAC with a copy of your final exit document, and, if you were employed while in Saudi Arabia, a letter from your previous employer.

Can you please advise if those of you in the same situation followed this process? Is submitting the final exit document enough? Thanks!


  • AdminAdmin Singapore
    Posts: 1,771Administrator
    Joined: Dec 29, 2010
    Hi emon, please refrain from creating duplicate thread.

    2010-06 : Lurker at (previously the #1 Pinoy Australian Forum)
    2010-06 : Started researching on Visa 175 - Target 120pts
    2011-08 : Started prev employer document gathering for ACS skill assessment (0/4)
    2010-12 : went offline and created
    2011-03 : 1st child born - AU dream halted
    2014-03 : ACS document - 1/5 emp ref completed
    2015-01: Promoted at work - AU dream halted
    2015-11: ACS document - 1/6 emp ref completed
    2016-09: 2nd child born - AU dream halted
    2018-09: ACS document - 6/8 emp ref completed
    2018-09: Revised all employment references and affidavit from scratch
    2019-03: Completed Revised 8/8 emp ref
    2019-03: PTE Exam - L59,R75,S62,W64 (no preparation)
    2019-07: Favorable Skills Assessment result for Software Eng
    2019-11: PTE Exam - L70,R68,S79,W68 (competent only)
    2020-02: PTE Exam - L79,R79,S86,W76 (grr lack 3pts on Writing)
    2020-03: PTE Exam - L85,R75,S87,W86 (Mar 4 - grr nag increase L, S and W but bumaba 4pts si R!!!!!)
    2020-03 PTE Exam - L81 R79 S90 W81 (Mar 9 - Salamat Lord!!!!)

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