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Single room for rent - Perth (near Kelmscott Stn)

minesmines PerthPosts: 9Member

- we are Filipino family looking for female/male to share the house with us.

- 1 clean fully furnished single room

- location close to shops, post office, church, train-kelmscott, bus station (5 to 10 mins walk) , pharmacy, airport

- internet, gas, electricity and water included

- costs 155AUD/week
-non smoking room. parking available

To inquire pls pm. Salamat po.


  • deppestevesdeppesteves Melbourne
    Posts: 15Member
    Joined: Sep 04, 2012
    Hi i know you said for male/female only but just wondering if you can consider a family of 4 to stay over for a month. My wife and two kids, age 5 & 2 will be staying for only 2 weeks while i will be staying for another 2 weeks. We will arrive in Perth on 14th Feb. I've been struggling to find a place to stay over. Hope you consider my enquiry.
  • deanirishdeanirish Melbourne
    Posts: 4Member
    Joined: Feb 08, 2014
    is the room still available?...I am a filipino backpacker from canada and I'm looking to travel to perth and live there for a year..residing in melbourne already
  • buanfamilybuanfamily Sydney
    Posts: 4Member
    Joined: Jul 27, 2013
    hello po, we are couple looking for a room for a month. We plan to search for a house before my kids arrive, so for the mean-time, we can probably use a room first. Our arrival in Perth is on 27th March, around 7-8pm. Would the room be available then? Thanks, hope to hear from you soon.
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