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From 496 to 887

hard2handlehard2handle MelbournePosts: 233Member

Hi, All!

Anyone here already applied from provisional visa 496 to permanent resident visa 887? May I ask re timetable please?

496 visa is only valid for 3 years upon arrrival in Australia and visa condition is to stay in the designated area for at least 2 years and work full time for at least 1 yr . Given that you cannot apply until the 2-year requirement is met, did anyone here on a 496 visa had to go back to Philippines due to cessation of the validity of their 496 visa?

Thank you!


  • iamjiniamjin Sydney
    Posts: 78Member
    Joined: Feb 19, 2014

    I would just like to ask, were you able to convert your 496 to resident visa 887?
    I will apply for the said visa this year and would like to ask for websites, guidelines and tips.

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