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a statutory declaration, signed by the child’s other parent that allows you to take the child to Aus

HI, we are about to apply for the Visa and all is clear and sorted apart for needing a statutory declaration, signed by the child’s other parent (or other person with a legal right to decide where the child lives), that allows you to take the child to Australia. I am living in the UK and my ex husband agrees for me to take our son as we both remarried years ago. Where or how does it have to be done? Via court or solicitor? Would it be sufficient if he signs and has a witness, for example an officer in the army?? Your help and advice is appreciated


  • familiaCfamiliaC Prague
    Posts: 189Member
    Joined: May 01, 2014
    HI, we are about to apply for the Visa and all is clear and sorted apart for needing a statutory declaration, signed by the child’s other parent (or other person with a legal right to decide where the child lives), that allows you to take the child to Australia. I am living in the UK and my ex husband agrees for me to take our son as we both remarried years ago. Where or how does it have to be done? Via court or solicitor? Would it be sufficient if he signs and has a witness, for example an officer in the army?? Your help and advice is appreciated

    Hi natz, i know your post was from last year.
    I would like to inquire if you have gotten the Child Visa for your kid.
    are you applying for Child Visa?

    ANZSCO Code 261311
    31.07.2014 - ACS Skills Assessment Result (favorable)
    14.11.2014 - IELTS Result R=7.5; L=7.5; S=7.0; W=7.5
    16.11.2014 - EOI submitted
    28.11.2014 - Received invitation to lodge visa subclass 189
    04.12.2014 - Lodged visa subclass 189
    08.12.2014 - Uploaded documents
    22.12.2014 - Medicals done
    28.01.2015 - job offer in Sydney (Salamat po, Panginoon!)
    10.02.2015 - received Golden Email. DIRECT GRANT. Salamat po, Lord!

    Luke 1:37 For nothing is impossible with GOD.

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