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Engineers Australia outcome letter delivery method

emonsantoemonsanto MandaluyongPosts: 66Member
edited February 2014 in Working and skilled visas
Regarding the delivery of the outcome letter, did any of you avail the service of a courier to fetch the letter from EA? Or did you just let them send you the letter through snail mail? How many days does it usually take for the letter to arrive?

I'd appreciate some help from our ever-reliable regulars here :)


  • Tin15Tin15 Melbourne
    Posts: 7Member
    Joined: Jul 09, 2014
    Hey what type of engineer are you? How did you go with your CPD and CDR?
  • BoyPintadosBoyPintados Sydney
    Posts: 629Member
    Joined: Jul 03, 2013
    @emonsanto hello... okay na ba to? resolved na? ;-)
    Regarding the delivery of the outcome letter, did any of you avail the service of a courier to fetch the letter from EA? Or did you just let them send you the letter through snail mail? How many days does it usually take for the letter to arrive?

    I'd appreciate some help from our ever-reliable regulars here :)

    Visa 189/190 Tracker (Please click and key in your updates):

    ANZSCO 233111 Chemical Engineer [Visa 189]

    27.APR.2013___IELTS GT Exam - British Council [Result: 10-Points Eligible]
    19.JUL.2013___Submitted CDR to Engineers Australia (EA) via DHL
    16.OCT.2013___Received Notice of Shortcoming (EA) via email
    21.OCT.2013___Responded to EA via email
    26.NOV.2013___Received Positive Assessment Result from EA via snail mail dated 11.Nov.2013 (Praise Jah!)
    03.FEB.2014___EOI Submitted Online [60 points only]
    28.APR.2014___Received Invitation to Lodge Skilled-Independent Permanent Visa Application (Praise Jah!)
    12.JUN.2014___Lodged Visa Application; Uploaded Required Documents / Frontloaded NBI / Police Clearance / Etc.
    05.JUL.2014___Completed Medical Requirements at Nationwide Health (3-5 working days to DIBP)
    12.JUL.2014___Frontloaded Form 80
    17.JUL.2014___Complete Medical Report Uploaded to DIBP: 'Organise your health examinations' was changed to 'No health examinations are required for this person for this visa subclass based on the information provided to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.' (Praise Jah!)
    06.AUG.2014___CO Allocation (Team 23 GSM Adelaide; CO Initials EO) [55 Days From Lodgement] (Praise Jah!)
    18.AUG.2014___Visa Grant (Golden Email Received from new CO: MD) [67 Days From Lodgement] [IED July2015] (Praise Jah!) GOAL! THANK YOU LORD!

    |Padayon| Keep a stronger faith| All is well|

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