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Looking for a room in Perth (short term) arriving Aug 28

mrs_sharkymrs_sharky MelbournePosts: 66Member

My husband, 14-month old toddler and I are looking for a room to stay for at least 1 month starting from 28 Aug 2014.

We are not particular with the location but would be good if there is parking space.

Please PM me. Thanks! :)

2012.09.02 - Vetassess online application | 2012.09.22 - IELTS test | 2012.10.05 - IELTS result (L-8.5 R-8.0 W-7.5 S-7.0 OBS-8.0) | 2012.10.22 - Vetassess add'l docs requested | 2012.11.21 - Vetassess result: Positive | 2012.11.25 - EOI Submission | 2012.12.10 - SS WA online application | 2013.01.16 - SS WA Approved, Agreement signed & sent | 2013.01.17 - DIAC Invitation Visa 190 | 2013.03.08 - Visa 190 Lodged Online | 2013.03.27 - Gave birth to baby | 2013.04.08 - Added baby as secondary applicant | 2013.04.11 - CO allocated, Team 34 Brisbane | 2013.05.03 - Medical uploaded | 2013.05.04 - Uploaded docs requested by CO | 2013.05.13 - PCC uploaded | 2013.05.28 - baby's passport release; uploaded/emailed | 2013.05.29 - Visa grant for me, hubby & baby!!! Thank u Lord!!! :) | 2013.08.24 - Initial entry done! | 2014.08.28 - Flight to Perth! ;)

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  • rego14344rego14344 Melbourne
    Posts: 31Member
    Joined: Oct 18, 2013
    Hi, i have a fully furnished room with own bathroom and toilet with parking and closed to amenities. if interested, email me:
  • mrs_sharkymrs_sharky Melbourne
    Posts: 66Member
    Joined: Jun 15, 2012
    Hi guys, we are still looking for a room. Pls pm me if u can accommodate a couple and a 17-month old toddler for at least a month. Thank u.

    2012.09.02 - Vetassess online application | 2012.09.22 - IELTS test | 2012.10.05 - IELTS result (L-8.5 R-8.0 W-7.5 S-7.0 OBS-8.0) | 2012.10.22 - Vetassess add'l docs requested | 2012.11.21 - Vetassess result: Positive | 2012.11.25 - EOI Submission | 2012.12.10 - SS WA online application | 2013.01.16 - SS WA Approved, Agreement signed & sent | 2013.01.17 - DIAC Invitation Visa 190 | 2013.03.08 - Visa 190 Lodged Online | 2013.03.27 - Gave birth to baby | 2013.04.08 - Added baby as secondary applicant | 2013.04.11 - CO allocated, Team 34 Brisbane | 2013.05.03 - Medical uploaded | 2013.05.04 - Uploaded docs requested by CO | 2013.05.13 - PCC uploaded | 2013.05.28 - baby's passport release; uploaded/emailed | 2013.05.29 - Visa grant for me, hubby & baby!!! Thank u Lord!!! :) | 2013.08.24 - Initial entry done! | 2014.08.28 - Flight to Perth! ;)

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