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Looking for a room to rent in Perth

kremitzkremitz North RydePosts: 1,074Member
My hubby is looking for a room to rent preferably near West Perth. For short stay lang muna kc he will have a technical interview this mon sa west perth. Baka sat or sun sya dating ng perth.pls pm me if you have available room po. Thanks.

Occupation: Software Engineer (ANZSCO Code 261313)
Main applicant : Husband
April 29, 2013 : ACS Skills assessment
July 22, 2013 : ACS assessment result
January 3, 2014: IELTS Result (Take 1 L-8,W,R,S-7)
January 12, 2013: Lodged EOI (65points)
January 13, 2013: Invited to apply for visa 189
February 9, 2014: Lodged visa
March 1, 2014: Medicals at NHSI
March 6: email from CO requesting form 80 and hubby's NBI Clearance
March 25, 2014: visa grant. Thank you lord
June 8,2014: Hubby arrived in Sydney
Sept 11,2014: Hubby's first day of work. Thank you Lord!
Feb 7, 2015 : Baby and I arrived in Sydney
April 13, 2015: My first day of work :)

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