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Finding a job in Australia

oz_monsteroz_monster MelbournePosts: 27Member
Hi to all,

I just want to give some inputs, advice and real facts about finding a job in Australia.

1. It is not easy to find a job here without having a local Australian work experience. Most companies hire third party recruiters/headhunters to do the recruitment process on their behalf and these recruiters are very picky. There are so many educated, qualified professional people are migrating to Australia everyday, the competition is so high.

2. Majority of recruiters and companies require the applicant to be physically present in Australia so even if you have a PR but you are applying overseas, most likely you will be rejected (unless your profession is really in demand). There is no harm in applying whilst in overseas but don't expect too much.

3. This is common to most new migrants (not just Filos). Don't expect that you will get a job in a week or two (only few are lucky enough to get a job quickly). We have seen a lot of our Kababayans who thought that they will get a job in few days because they are PR, educated, with good working experience, have worked in big multinational companies, etc. It may take awhile for you to get in especially if your field is saturated. Many of our Kababayans here do other jobs (outside their field) while waiting for an opportunity. There is nothing wrong with that as long as it's legal.

4. Be willing to accept contract, short-term, or temp jobs. Temp or contract jobs are very common in Australia. Most of our Kababayans are picky because they think if you do contract or temp job, you will be classified as a second class citizen maybe because temp is not common in Philippines. Here in Australia, we are all the same regardless whether you are a permanent, contract, or temp employee. In some cases, temp jobs pay slightly higher and it may lead to a permanent/full time job.

The idea is, you need to get a local working experience to add on your CV.

5. Update your CV into a local Australian version. Check google for various format to use.

6. Don't be picky with the salary just make sure that it is not lower than the legal requirement. You may ask for higher (maybe after few years once you have established yourself here and have your local work experience).

7. Most important thing is be humble. We have seen so many of our Kababayans (new migrants) who are arrogant. Arrogance would not let you achieve anything and most likely, people and fellow Kababayans would not help you if you have a bad attitude. I personally met few Filipinos like this and I was really shocked with the attitude so instead of me helping them, I opted not to.

I guess, this post is not to scare those who are moving here. It is more of knowing the reality. It is better to be prepared before you make the move rather than finding the truth only upon arriving here. I have few mates who migrated here and before they moved they asked me about finding a job and I gave them an honest answer (mostly same as above) and told them not to expect a lot and it would be challenging.

For those who have relatives, family or friends here and they are telling you it is easy to find a job, I guess its not true or maybe they are just being polite not to hurt your feelings or scare you.

Be prepared and do your research. I hope this one helps.



  • stolich18stolich18 Sydney
    Posts: 993Member
    Joined: Feb 15, 2012
    Agree with the points above. We really have to break our mindset when joining the Australian workforce. :-) It's very different here compared to Phils.

    261313 (Software Engineer)

    Feb.15.2012 - started working on ACS requirements
    Mar.02.2012 - submitted online ACS application and sent documents to ACS via Fedex
    Mar.05.2012 - ACS acknowledged actual documents
    Mar.21.2012 - ACS finalised assessment: Suitable
    Mar.31.2012 - IELTS exam with BC
    Apr.13.2012 - IELTS Results (L:8.5 R:7 W: 7 S: 8 OB: 7.5) Thank you LORD!
    Apr.14.2012 - Lodged 175 Online Application
    Apr.20.2012 - Completed Online Attachments
    May.24.2012 - "Application being processed further"
    May.29.2012 - CO Assigned :-)
    Jun.07.2012 - Uploaded NBI Clearance
    Jun.13.2012 - Medical/Health Requirements Finalised
    Jun.14.2012 - VISA GRANT! Thank you, LORD! :-)
    Jun.07.2013 - Initial Entry Date Deadline
    Apr.28.2013 - Initial Entry (Sydney)
    Jun.28.2013 - Verbal Job Offer (Melbourne)
    Jul.08.2013 - First day of Work and first day of child care for my son (Melbourne)
    Aug.21.2013 - First day of Work in Sydney

    "Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom." Psalm 145:3

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