13-06-07 IELTS Take 1 (Failed)
13-06-22 Shipped Documents to Engineers Australia
13-08-09 IELTS Take 2 (Failed)
13-09-20 IELTS Take 3 (Failed)
13-10-05 Received Skill Assessment, Electronics Engineer (ANZSCO 233411)
13-10-05 Submitted EOI for190 (60 points) & 489 (65 points)
14-02-25 Suspend EOI (change of plans)
14-07-25 Updated EOI to 189 (60 points)
14-08-10 Received Invitation to apply for 189
14-08-23 Lodge Application
14-10-23 CO Assigned
14-11-05 Visa Grant - Thank you Lord
15-08-03 Initial entry in Perth
most recent by jameineure
most recent by romyunshutat
most recent by Ozdrims
most recent by PeanutButter
most recent by redartt
NAATI - CCL exam - additional 5 points for 189/190 visa
most recent by missyeur
most recent by pengalreadyexists
General Skilled Immigration Visa - Step By Step Process
most recent by fmp_921
SG-based Members; drop by here! (",)
most recent by mathilde9
The longest running Pinoy-Australian Forum site in the history. We are connecting Pinoys "in" and "to" Australia since 2010! If you want to join in, click one of these buttons!
Posts: 57Member
Joined: Sep 09, 2014
Posts: 391Member
Joined: Mar 24, 2013
I got mine already. I think the site says it will take more than a month to get it but I got mine after a little more than a week.
13-06-07 IELTS Take 1 (Failed)
13-06-22 Shipped Documents to Engineers Australia
13-08-09 IELTS Take 2 (Failed)
13-09-20 IELTS Take 3 (Failed)
13-10-05 Received Skill Assessment, Electronics Engineer (ANZSCO 233411)
13-10-05 Submitted EOI for190 (60 points) & 489 (65 points)
14-02-25 Suspend EOI (change of plans)
14-07-25 Updated EOI to 189 (60 points)
14-08-10 Received Invitation to apply for 189
14-08-23 Lodge Application
14-10-23 CO Assigned
14-11-05 Visa Grant - Thank you Lord
15-08-03 Initial entry in Perth
Posts: 221Member
Joined: Jun 25, 2012
3 dependents: wife and two kids
ANZSCO 261311-Analyst Programmer
2013-11-08 ACS + total 10 Years credited
2014-03-11 IELTS OBS 7
2014-07-12 EOI Lodged
2014-07-14 NSW State Submitted
2014-08-11 PCC Malaysia Applied
2014-08-18 PCC Malaysia Rcvd
2014-08-26 NSW Invited
2014-09-05 Visa Lodged
2014-09-13 Medical
2014-09-15 NBI Applied
2014-09-22 Medical Completed
2014-09-26 NBI Rcvd
2014-09-30 Frontloaded All docs
2014-10-29 Direct Grant!!! IED - 2015-08-18
2014-11-23 Wife Initial Entry to prepare and look for apartment
2014-12-02 Wife Fulltime job
2014-12-24 Kids,Myself Entry
2014-12-24 - 2014-01-05 Vacation Mode
2015-01-08 - Work From Home (Online from prev company)
and Casual Work (part time)
2015-01-28 Kids First day of School
2015-02-09 - job offer 1
2015-02-10 - job offer 2
2015-02-16 - First Day of Job
2015-03-07 - Passed Driving Knowledge Test
2015-03-20 - Passed Driving Test (Full License)
Posts: 57Member
Joined: Sep 09, 2014
Posts: 391Member
Joined: Mar 24, 2013
13-06-07 IELTS Take 1 (Failed)
13-06-22 Shipped Documents to Engineers Australia
13-08-09 IELTS Take 2 (Failed)
13-09-20 IELTS Take 3 (Failed)
13-10-05 Received Skill Assessment, Electronics Engineer (ANZSCO 233411)
13-10-05 Submitted EOI for190 (60 points) & 489 (65 points)
14-02-25 Suspend EOI (change of plans)
14-07-25 Updated EOI to 189 (60 points)
14-08-10 Received Invitation to apply for 189
14-08-23 Lodge Application
14-10-23 CO Assigned
14-11-05 Visa Grant - Thank you Lord
15-08-03 Initial entry in Perth