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2BR House for Rent in Fawkner VIC

BepBepBepBep MelbournePosts: 6Member
Any body looking for house to rent? We are moving out next month (3rd wk of Sept) and we're need somebody to accommodate the house. A near bus stop across the street and the nearest train station is Fawkner, filipino is the main owner of 2BR house. They are looking for 300/week, place is very neat, good and spacious space. If you don't have any furniture we can offer you to sell our stuff like fridge, sofa bed, bed, dinning set table (all is less than a year in used) in a very guaranteed cheaper price rather than buying new furnitures. If interested please message me here for any other concern. Salamat kabayan!!


  • stage2stage2 Melbourne
    Posts: 13Member
    Joined: Sep 23, 2013
    Hi interested po, available p po ba? What's the address?
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