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Looking for a room/ house share in Brisbane

birdsfromspacebirdsfromspace SydneyPosts: 5Member
edited September 2014 in Housing & Rentals
Hi my wife and I are looking for a room for rent in Brisbane, Queensland, hopefully near the CBD. If you know or can suggest a place it would be very much appreciated

My wife and I are 30, neat, fun and don't smoke. We're both PR's and professionals.

We'll be moving to Brisbane and arriving on Sept 27.


  • iamshe_qldboundiamshe_qldbound Sydney
    Posts: 15Member
    Joined: Jul 01, 2014
    @birdsfromspace hi mate what airline kayu? arriving sep27 din ako via air asia gold coast airport cheap fare kasi sila ;)
  • birdsfromspacebirdsfromspace Sydney
    Posts: 5Member
    Joined: Sep 01, 2014
    @iamshe_qldbound via Qantas kami, we got our tickets via IOM (international organisation for migration) cause of the extra kgs they add sa luggage.

    Do you have a place to stay already? We're still looking around.
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