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Student Visa - 2nd time

ljustljust SydneyPosts: 148Member

Can somebody help me on this?
I'm applying na kasi my second student visa. End ng visa ko is October and yun gusto kong course magsstart ng November. So, I was advised na mag English course for 4 weeks.

VET course paring yun itatake ko, which I believe is subclass 572. Now, anong visa yun iaapply ko? Do I need a separate visa for the English course? And how much yun pagapply ng visa for the second time around?

Thank you.


  • danyan2001usdanyan2001us Melbourne, Australia
    Posts: 2,536Member, Moderator
    Joined: Nov 14, 2012
    @Beaj....since you will apply for another VET course then you need to get a further 572 visa which is the appropriate visa for that category......

    primary applicant- wife
    arrived melbourne- July 28, 2010

  • danyan2001usdanyan2001us Melbourne, Australia
    Posts: 2,536Member, Moderator
    Joined: Nov 14, 2012 you already have the COE of your other VET course? then if you have that one you better lodge now your new student visa application usually it doesn't take that long to process since during this time, your processing is onshore....however if on whatever reason your new visa application will be delayed, you will be granted a bridging visa that will allow you to stay legally in Australia.

    primary applicant- wife
    arrived melbourne- July 28, 2010

  • ljustljust Sydney
    Posts: 148Member
    Joined: Jun 18, 2012
    @danyan2001us Thanks for answering me. So just to clarify, I don't need a separate visa for the english course right? I'm taking it in the same school naman. Thanks.
  • ljustljust Sydney
    Posts: 148Member
    Joined: Jun 18, 2012
    One more thing, anong sagot ko dapat sa question nato.

    Does the primary applicant hold a visa listed in Table 2 previous visas applied for in Australia, which they applied for while the applicant was in Australia?

    The first time I applied my student visa, I was in Manila. So does that mean 'no' dapat sagot ko?

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