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2014 Visa Timeline - SC189, SC190, SC489

rarekingrareking MontrealPosts: 466Member
Changes / Notes:
1. Moved this topic here, in a more appropriate category.
2. Changed to a more user-friendly title. Previously named "Current TAT Average - SC189, SC190 & SC489 - Visa Applicants 2014"
3. Data based on google tracking below, currently with 115 entries, 80 have been granted visa already.
4. May this chart help all those hopefuls that are currently planning on their timing on the decisions to be made for their lives :).
5. Please continue to update the google tracking and remind your friends too, para mas accurate ang data natin for the timeline. Thanks.
6. P.S. si @lurker214 yang kidlat sa bilis na TAT for October batch :), granted after 0.6 months.
7. SC189 2014 average = 2.1; SC190/489 2014 average = 3.5

2014 11 03 08 51 51 pinoyau 2014 Visa 189 & 190

2014 11 03 08 52 20 pinoyau 2014 Visa 189 & 190

as of Oct 24, visa timeline:

2014 10 24 12 51 29 pinoyau 2014 Visa 189 & 190

Some stats:

1. SC189 average timeline for 2014 = 2.1 months
2. SC190/489 average timeline for 2014 = 3.5 months
3. Jul and Aug batches average for 190/489 significantly faster at 2.1 months, better than 2.4 months average of SC189.
4. ANZSCO with the most entries is 261311 (Analyst Programmer) with 12 applicants; 2nd is 261313 (Software Engineer) with 11 applicants. Kaso meron pa ding blank sa tracking na 14 entries.
5. Fastest grants at 24 and 26 days! Kaw na! ANZSCO 233914 Engg Technologist and 234611 Medical Lab Scientist.

Note: Tinanggal ko na yung chart for grant+waiting kasi maliit lang diperensya and to simplify yung data natin.

IELTS+REMARK - 2MOS | ANZSCO - 3MOS | NT 489 INVITE - 1MO | SA 190 INVITE - 1.5MOS | VISA GRANT - 1.5MOS (15-OCT 2014)


  • rarekingrareking Montreal
    Posts: 466Member
    Joined: Jul 17, 2014
    Updated as of Nov 19. Either madalang ang grants or madalang ang pagupdate ng google tracking natin... gentle reminder po na pakiupdate ng tracking especially dun sa mga merong visa na recently.


    2014 11 19 17 08 46 pinoyau 2014 Visa 189 & 190

    2014 11 19 17 09 17 pinoyau 2014 Visa 189 & 190

    2014 11 19 17 09 03 pinoyau 2014 Visa 189 & 190

    IELTS+REMARK - 2MOS | ANZSCO - 3MOS | NT 489 INVITE - 1MO | SA 190 INVITE - 1.5MOS | VISA GRANT - 1.5MOS (15-OCT 2014)

  • rarekingrareking Montreal
    Posts: 466Member
    Joined: Jul 17, 2014
    Wala masyadong changes as of Dec 1. Matumal grants or yung pagupdate sa google tracking. FYI.

    2014 12 01 13 24 17 Microsoft Excel pinoyau 20

    IELTS+REMARK - 2MOS | ANZSCO - 3MOS | NT 489 INVITE - 1MO | SA 190 INVITE - 1.5MOS | VISA GRANT - 1.5MOS (15-OCT 2014)

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