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New Student Looking for a place to stay near Box Hill, Victoria on late January 2015

itskarenitskaren MandaluyongPosts: 2Member
Greetings fr the Philippines!

I'm Karen Cadelina, 28 years old single and a nursing graduate presently in the Philippines having my vacation and soon to be a student in One of the College school in Box Hill, Melbourne this coming January 2015..

I am looking for any possible cheaper board and lodging around Box Hill Area.. It will be my first time in Melbourne and I don't know anybody yet. I am also self-finansing so it would be a great help for me to find a cheaper room for my self while studying and working as a part-time.

I am hoping you could help me with my inquiry and It will be a great help for me. I am thanking you in advance for the responses and more Blessings!

Karen Cadelina
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