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Major update has been completed. Please help to report any abnormality that you are facing (in case there is any) to [email protected] . Thank you for your continued support guys!

Interview Dress Code - Production Engineer

emefeiemefei North RydePosts: 25Member
Hello po,

Anbody knows what attire to wear for job interviews for production plant engineers ? Thank you po

03.15.14 - IELTS Exam
03.28.14 - IELTS passed = 8.0
04.11.14 - Submit documents to ACS
06.10.14 - ACS result (+)
06.21.14 - Submit EOI
11.28.14 - Received Invite
12.02.14 - Lodged Visa 189
02.03.15 - Renewed NBI Clearance (for longer IED)
02.05.15 - CO Allocated, CO requested for Medical Exam
02.06.15 - Wife done with medicals (Husband and Son has cough and colds, will take their medical exam hopefully next week)
02.12.15 - Husband and son done with medicals
03.16.15 - Visa Grant! Thank you Lord! :D
03.26.15 - (+) Pregnancy Test - wife pregnant with baby No.2! =)
07.02.15 - Touchdown Sydney!
07.28.15 - Hubby start of casual job
08.06.15 - Hubby verbal job offer (full time job)
08.07.15 - Contract Signing & hubby's first day full time job

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