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Looking for 2BR Apartment / House in Adelaide - 2nd Week of June 2015

rarekingrareking MontrealPosts: 466Member
Hi there - We are a family of 3 and looking for a 2 bedroom apartment or house in Adelaide.

We will be in Adelaide on June 8, staying at midway apartments for temporary accommodation until we can find an apartment / house rental for a year stay.

Kitakits mga pips.

- raeking, wife and son

IELTS+REMARK - 2MOS | ANZSCO - 3MOS | NT 489 INVITE - 1MO | SA 190 INVITE - 1.5MOS | VISA GRANT - 1.5MOS (15-OCT 2014)


  • goreogoreo Braddon
    Posts: 159Member
    Joined: May 31, 2012
    @rareking, ilang weeks ang stay nyo sa midway? and how much for the 3 of you?

    Skilled (Migrant) (class VE) Skilled - Independent (subclass 175)
    June 2012 - Visa grant
    Sep 2012 - Initial entry to Sydney (one week)
    June 2015 - Planned big move to Au

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