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Finding a job for Visa Subclass 300/309

lulu1118lulu1118 SydneyPosts: 58Member
Hello everyone! Congratulations once again for the ones who got there Partner Visas already and hang in there for the ones who are still waiting for the good news. :)
I just want to ask the ones who already got there visas and are now Temporary Visa holders.
How long did you wait to get a job? Where you able to find one? Or did you do some TAFE course to get a job. Thank you! :)


  • chikka_gurl143chikka_gurl143 Melbourne
    Posts: 43Member
    Joined: Aug 25, 2014
    Hi @lulu1118! Are you here in Aus already? I have been actively looking for a job for over 2 months now and I still haven't landed any. It can be upsetting but I just have to keep doing it until I actually get a job. ^_^ Most of the jobs that I found online require Permanent Residency or Australian Citizenship. Unfortunately the Visa that I have is 309 and that I am still a provisional resident. :( With regards to doing TAFE courses, I'm not sure about that one. I was thinking that if I can get a job without doing any further studies (actual studies that cost money) that would be ideal. ;)

    Anyways, I'll share what I've done so far. I have attended some networking events and I'm always in the lookout for these events. In attending these events, I can get to know more people and maybe there will be someone who can recommend me for a job or someone who knows someone who can. :) I've done a lot of free online courses as well. And trust me, certificates from these online courses do make a difference. I had an experience wherein a recruiter, after seeing my profile on SEEK, contacted me about a job opportunity and apparently the free Project Management course that I did online made a good impression not just on him but on the Operations Manager who then invited me for an interview. I didn't get that job 'coz there was another applicant who was more qualified than me but the point is that these free online courses actually help.

    I still keep looking online. At the same time, my husband has been trying to help me by asking his business contacts if they can provide me with a job or if they can connect me with someone who can.

    Lastly, I have also enrolled myself in a job skills program with a career counsellor. It only cost me 50 AUD and it runs for 6 weeks (meeting once-a-week). I'm just hoping that I could get something good out of this one. ;)

    I'll give you more updates if you want if I find other useful tips. ^_^

    I'm subscribing to this thread as well 'coz I'm interested to know how others are doing. :)

    God bless you sis! ;) Hope you find a job soon! ;)

    10-May-14: lodged offshore Partner VISA (subclass 309) online
    3-Jun-14: Lodged a 3-month VISITOR (subclass 600) VISA application
    13-Jun-14: Visitor VISA grant
    25-Jun-14: contacted by CO for additional documents
    27-Jun-14: Flight to Aus
    3-Sep-14: Applied for a 3-month visitor VISA extension (as my VISA will expire on 28th Sep)
    5-Sep-14: Visitor Visa extension grant date – (Sept 28-Dec 28, 2014)
    3-Dec-14: Received an email from CO stating that I have to depart Aus because a decision was ready to be given
    7-Dec-14: Back in the Phils
    11-Dec-14: Partner VISA grant
    23-Dec-14: Flight to Aus

    Waiting period: 7 Months (Praise God! ^_^)

    “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8

    My hubby and I have been attending Hillsong Church Melbourne city campus since Feb 2014 and I am loving it! If you’re new here in Mebourne or you have been here for a long time but you haven’t yet found a church where you feel a sense of belongingness, we can go to church together! ^_^ Let us know!

    God is awesome all the time! ;)

  • lulu1118lulu1118 Sydney
    Posts: 58Member
    Joined: Oct 01, 2012
    Hi @chikka_gurl143 Thank you so much for your input. Yes, I arrived just about a month from now.
    I got my TFN, Medicare and Drivers License already and currently looking for any casual jobs. I was a preschool teacher back in Manila and its quite difficult finding the same job. I went to TAFE to inquire about our VISA and they can't give me a precise amount of the tuition fee at the moment of the Cert III I was looking at.
    Im currently doing a volunteer job at a Bookshop just to get an experience for the mean time.
    If I may ask, which site do you look for free online courses and job skills program?

    Hopefully others with the same subclass visa can share their experience here as well. :)
  • chikka_gurl143chikka_gurl143 Melbourne
    Posts: 43Member
    Joined: Aug 25, 2014
    Hi lulu1118. I've done free online courses with the following:

    (1) Open Universities Australia:
    The courses here are provided for by universities and training institutions here in Australia. I highly recommend this one for professional and personal development.

    (2) Coursera:
    (3) Edx:

    As for the job skills program, I found out about it through the local papers. :)

    10-May-14: lodged offshore Partner VISA (subclass 309) online
    3-Jun-14: Lodged a 3-month VISITOR (subclass 600) VISA application
    13-Jun-14: Visitor VISA grant
    25-Jun-14: contacted by CO for additional documents
    27-Jun-14: Flight to Aus
    3-Sep-14: Applied for a 3-month visitor VISA extension (as my VISA will expire on 28th Sep)
    5-Sep-14: Visitor Visa extension grant date – (Sept 28-Dec 28, 2014)
    3-Dec-14: Received an email from CO stating that I have to depart Aus because a decision was ready to be given
    7-Dec-14: Back in the Phils
    11-Dec-14: Partner VISA grant
    23-Dec-14: Flight to Aus

    Waiting period: 7 Months (Praise God! ^_^)

    “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8

    My hubby and I have been attending Hillsong Church Melbourne city campus since Feb 2014 and I am loving it! If you’re new here in Mebourne or you have been here for a long time but you haven’t yet found a church where you feel a sense of belongingness, we can go to church together! ^_^ Let us know!

    God is awesome all the time! ;)

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