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general skilled immigrant vs skilled independent visa

jrgongonjrgongon SydneyPosts: 735Member
hi...are these two the same...sensya na nacoconfuse lang ako...baka kasi mali ang inaapplayan ko na type of visa....same lang ba ang general skilled visa sa skilled independent visa?...thanks...


Age - 25pts
Experience - 5pts
Education - 15pts
PTE - 10pts
SS - 5pts

November 2014 = Decided to pursue family migration to Australia
January 2015 = Took the IELTS @ British Council (S:7.5,W:6.5,L:7.5,R:7.5)
February - July 2015 = Gather Necessary Documents For Assessment
August 3, 2015 = Submitted documents to Vetassess
October 15, 2015 = Vetassess called our landline to verify my submitted documents
October 21, 2015 = Positive and Negative Result from Vetassess.....out of 10 years of employment 2.7 years lang ang credited sa akin....
October 23, 2015 = Scheduled for PTE-A on November 6...aiming to get 20 points..wish me luck
November 7, 2015 = I took the PTE-A Exam
November 8, 2015 = Results of PTE-A (Listening:80;Reading:63;Speaking:84;Writing:75) 2 Points na lang hindi pa ako pinagbigyan....huhuhu
November 13, 2015 = Baba ng 5 points at the same time schedule din ng PTE-A exam ko
November 13, 2015 = Result of PTE Take 2 (Listening:69; Reading:63; Speaking:79;Writing:78) Sablay na naman
December 2, 2015 = PTE 3rd Retake (sana pumasa na)
December 4, 2015 = PTE Result (Listening:65; Reading: 67; Speaking:68; Writing: 67) Sa wakas
December 4, 2015 = Submitted EOI Visa 190
December 11, 2015 = Received ITA
December 12, 2015 = Lodged NSW Nomination
January 11, 2015 = NSW Approved
January 25, 2016 = Medical @ Nationwide Makati
February 15, 2016 = Lodged Visa (Waiting Game)
March 15, 2016 = CO reuqested for PTE results

*****Sana maging okay ang lahat****

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  • AdminAdmin Singapore
    Posts: 1,771Administrator
    Joined: Dec 29, 2010
    Hi yes it's the same. The term was commonly used long ago.

    2010-06 : Lurker at (previously the #1 Pinoy Australian Forum)
    2010-06 : Started researching on Visa 175 - Target 120pts
    2011-08 : Started prev employer document gathering for ACS skill assessment (0/4)
    2010-12 : went offline and created
    2011-03 : 1st child born - AU dream halted
    2014-03 : ACS document - 1/5 emp ref completed
    2015-01: Promoted at work - AU dream halted
    2015-11: ACS document - 1/6 emp ref completed
    2016-09: 2nd child born - AU dream halted
    2018-09: ACS document - 6/8 emp ref completed
    2018-09: Revised all employment references and affidavit from scratch
    2019-03: Completed Revised 8/8 emp ref
    2019-03: PTE Exam - L59,R75,S62,W64 (no preparation)
    2019-07: Favorable Skills Assessment result for Software Eng
    2019-11: PTE Exam - L70,R68,S79,W68 (competent only)
    2020-02: PTE Exam - L79,R79,S86,W76 (grr lack 3pts on Writing)
    2020-03: PTE Exam - L85,R75,S87,W86 (Mar 4 - grr nag increase L, S and W but bumaba 4pts si R!!!!!)
    2020-03 PTE Exam - L81 R79 S90 W81 (Mar 9 - Salamat Lord!!!!)

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