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Filling up Work Experience on EOI

cpa_oct2011cpa_oct2011 MandaluyongPosts: 324Member
edited July 2015 in Working and skilled visas
I have received my positive skills and work assessment from CPAA and currently put on-hold my EOI because I'm not sure what to do with my current work experience.

The skilled employment assessment letter disclosed the following:

"The claims of skilled employment made by the present applicant below equate to work an appropriately skilled level as a 221213.

11/15/2011 to 06/30/2013 from A Co.;
07/01/2013 to 10/15/13 from A Co.;
02/20/14 to 02/03/15 from B Co.; and
02/04/15 to 06/29/15** from B Co."

** provided by CPAA.

In filling up my work employment for my current work, do I need to:

1. Put the date (06/29/15) provided by CPAA or
2. Leave it blank..

My concerns lang for the above is that:

1. Is it ok? Even though Im still connected with B Co. Hindi ba mag raise ng problem kay CO to if ever?
2. Will EOI will consider/include it in computation of work experience, even if its blank?

Kasi to date 3 yrs and + mos pa lang ang work experience ko. If eoi will not take the 02/04/15 to present (blank), magiging less than 3 yrs. ang work experience mawawala yung 5 points.

Please help me... Hehe.. Maraming salamat po! :)
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