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Self-Employed/Proprietor Applicants

AnciAnci Quezon CityPosts: 61Member
edited August 2015 in Working and skilled visas
Hi! Meron po ba dito na self-employed accountants na nagapply ng Visa 189 then na grant ng visa? Nag conduct po ba ang DIBP ng verification like physically visiting your office, asking for documents like billings such as utilities etc., calling your clients for confirmation. All reply will be very much appreciated. God bless.

221111(General Accountant)

10.2016 CPA title..conditional AFAR and Law
Start of Review PTE - soon!

"At the end of the day, success depends on your happiness".

“You were not just blessed for yourself,
your were blessed to be a blessing to
― Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

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