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PARTNER VISA Application after Prospective Marriage

arskyarsky SydneyPosts: 66Member
Hi All,

Can someone please advise me kung ano na next step after the Prospective Marriage Visa. I and my fiance (now my husband) got married here in Sydney.
I am still on a Prospective Marriage Visa and been trying to apply for a Partner Visa online pero I am getting an error .. not sure what I am doing wrong.

Any adivise would higly appreciated

Thanks in advance


  • Ady90Ady90 Brisbane
    Posts: 139Member
    Joined: Oct 09, 2015
    Hi @arsky, how is your application? Did you apply for your partner visa subclass 820 yet? :)

    September 30 - Lodged PMV (300) Application Online
    October 12 - NSO
    October 23 - Medical
    November 5 - NBI Clearance
    March 16, 2016 - VISA GRANT (to God be the glory!)

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