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Bicultural Parenting

KhamieKhamie WoolloongabbaPosts: 1Member
Hi! I'm Carmela from Brisbane, a researcher from the University of Queensland. I'm in the process of recruiting participants for my research and I really need your help. Please spread the word on the below:


Parenting experience of Filipino migrants and their partners in Australia

We are looking for the following:
1) Female Filipinos and their male Australian partners;
2) Male Filipinos and their female Australian partners;
3) Filipino couples who migrated to Australia together, or migrated separately, then met and got married in Australia.

Inclusion Criteria:
 Each couple need to have at least one biological child aged between five and 12 years
 All Filipino participants need to be first generation Filipino migrants who have arrived in Australia not more than 15 years ago and who can speak Tagalog or Filipino
 The Australian partners need to be long-time Australians and need to come from an Anglo-Australian background. Long-time Australians are born in Australia and whose parents are also born in Australia.

Each member of a couple will be treated as an individual participant and will be interviewed separately. The interview will take approximately 60mins/participant. In appreciation of your time, you will receive a gift voucher.

As a participant in this study, you will be interviewed and asked to recall experiences from your own life as a member of a bicultural couple and as a parent in a bicultural household.

If you are interested, please email the researcher on [email protected]. or message me on FB.

Thank you!

This study has been reviewed and approved
by the Research Ethics Committee of School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work
University of Queensland
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