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did you bring your toddler with you?

poloypoloy MelbournePosts: 11Member
Hello, my wife has a current job offer in melbourne. If granted, we are thinking if we should bring our son at the onset.

Most people think it is best na kami muna ng wife ko so she can complete the first 6 months muna while i try to look for a job then after 7-8 months isa sa amin uuwi to bring our son na.

Hope to hear your stories as it would really help us. Thanks


  • gerohngerohn Sydney
    Posts: 12Member
    Joined: Aug 17, 2015
    I believe you're already here. Did you end up bringing your toddler with you?
  • karl_amogawinkarl_amogawin Sydney
    Posts: 306Member
    Joined: Aug 24, 2013
    @gerohn We brought our toddler together with us. sakit sa puso iwan sa pinas eh. hehe.

    2013 - 1st IELTS L 7.5 R 7.5 W 5.5 S 7.5
    April 2014 - 2nd IELTS L 7.5 R 7.0 W 6.0 S 7.0
    14 May 2014 - CDR sent via DHL Singapore
    16 May 2014 - Delivered at EA
    19 May 2014 - 870 AUD charged to my credit card. Waiting game starts now
    7 August 2014 - EOR for my IELTS L 7.5 R 7 W 7 S 6
    26 August 2014 - EA Positive results Civil Engineer
    11 October 2014 EOR Speaking 6 to 6.5
    28 Feb IELTS success! 10 pts! L 7.5 R 8 W 7 S 7.5
    13 March 2015 EOI submitted visa 189 65 pts.
    27 March Invited
    27 March Lodged! At long last. In His perfect timing. Scan documents and obtain clearances and medical
    11 May VISA GRANT! Direct grant. Did not upload form 80

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  • Gabrielle28Gabrielle28 Quezon City
    Posts: 60Member
    Joined: May 09, 2016
    hi, i was thinking also of brining my toddler with me, but the thing is, alone ako, husband is based in singapore.... i just submitted my EA application and may i know your advise if convenient dalhin toddler upon visa application or pwede naman sumunod once settled na sa work?

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