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Maximizing points for skilled independent

Ric_SuizoRic_Suizo Davao CityPosts: 11Member
Hello po

Currently going over the skilled migration requirement for Australia and so far its not really fairing well. here are the points i have gathered so far:

Skilled employment outside of Australia=5

There are other categories that i think i can acquire like:

Award or qualification recognized by the assessing authority in assessment of the skilled occupation=10

English language ability=10-20

Spouse skills=5

if I can somehow acquire the maximum points for the categories above i would have a 65-70 points which is around the minimum points to be eligible for a visa Subclass 175 Skilled Independent according to (65 points).

are there other ways to acquire additional points?
i would really appreciate your advice

thanks po


  • engineer20engineer20 Sydney
    Posts: 1,719Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jun 09, 2011
    Visa Subclass 175 has permanently been stopped and not offered anymore. It is replaced with Visa Subclass 189. Please check this link for reference.

    29May2015: Submitted Online Application to VETASSESS (312112 Building Associate)
    02Jun2015: Lodged Date at VETASSESS
    28Aug2015: VETASSESS Assessment Completed (312112 Building Associate) - POSITIVE
    17Oct2015: PTE-A taken at SG
    19Oct2015: PTE-A Result: L-83, R-90, S-76, W-90 OAS-87
    19Oct2015: Submitted EOI Visa 190 (65 points plus SS 5 points if granted)
    19Oct2015: Submitted VIC SS Online Application Visa 190
    20Oct2015: VIC acknowledged SS application and gave Reference Number
    02Nov2015: VIC SS Application Rejected
    05Nov2015: Submitted Online Reassessment to VETASSESS (312212 Civil Engineering Technician) 08Feb2016: VETASSESS Outcome POSITIVE
    07Nov2015: Updated EOI to select NSW (312112)
    18Dec2015: Received NSW SS Invitation Stream 2
    21Dec2015: Lodged NSW SS Application
    12Jan2016: NSW SS Approved / Visa 190 ITA Received
    29Jan2016: SG PCC (Me) / Medical (Me, Wife and Kid)
    01Feb2016: Medicals Cleared
    05Feb2016: Lodged Visa 190
    18Feb2016: NBI Clearance Applied (Me and Wife) - HIT
    29Feb2016: SG PCC (Wife)
    03Mar2016: Collected and Uploaded NBI Clearance
    04Mar2016: Direct Grant
    07May2016: Initial Entry (Sydney)
    16Jul2017: Big Move
    Oct2020: Lodged Citizenship Application
    May2021: Citizenship Interview and Test
    TBA: Citizenship Ceremony

  • Ric_SuizoRic_Suizo Davao City
    Posts: 11Member
    Joined: Jan 06, 2016
    thanks for the heads up. ive partially read 189 subclass and it also has ma minimum score of 60.. i will update my post. do you have any tips for this?
  • Ric_SuizoRic_Suizo Davao City
    Posts: 11Member
    Joined: Jan 06, 2016
    it seems that i cannot edit my own post due to permission issue.
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