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Room for Rent - Bexley/Rockdale 20 mins to Sydney CBD by Train

QQ21QQ21 SydneyPosts: 33Member
Room for rent on Gladstone Street (close to Harrow Road) in Bexley, 12-15 minute walk to Rockdale train station. Buses available between Bexley and Rockdale station, my guess would be it's a 2-minute trip; I always walk between home and the train station. Sydney CBD is 20 minutes from Rockdale station.

Room is one of 3 in a flat on the 3rd floor (there is no lift, in case you're wondering). Current occupants are myself and a girl friend, we're both accountants and single and friendly. She drives, I don't, but we go on road trips every now and then (in fact we just came home from one today, and we go for another tomorrow). If you live here, you are most welcome to come along. Neither one of us can cook more than basic Pinoy breakfast, but we have most of everything you'd need in a kitchen, I guess.

Rent is $175 per week plus internet and utilities. Buzz if you are interested or have any questions; if you leave a number I can call you.

Thank you :)


  • wackswacks Singapore
    Posts: 20Member
    Joined: May 22, 2014
    available pa po ang room? thanks po
  • ninalizaninaliza Sydney
    Posts: 2Member
    Joined: Sep 30, 2015
    hi! will the place be available march 20? :)
  • KarlynKarlyn Auckland
    Posts: 4Member
    Joined: Jan 25, 2016
    Hi. I'll be moving to Sydney from NZ. Will you be free for viewing sometime next week. thank you.
  • KarlynKarlyn Auckland
    Posts: 4Member
    Joined: Jan 25, 2016
    Hi. I dont have mobile yet but you can reach me tru email. [email protected]

  • khedakheda Dubai
    Posts: 5Member
    Joined: Jan 31, 2016
    This this room available on 3rd week of april? Or anyone have plan to team up start new sharehouse PinoY come and pm me if you guys interested. ^^
  • QQ21QQ21 Sydney
    Posts: 33Member
    Joined: Jan 03, 2016
    Sorry guys for the late reply. Our landlord has terminated our tenancy on no grounds shortly after I had posted the ad, and so we'll eventually need to vacate the unit. I thought it's not fair if we continued looking for a flat mate if we only had 90 days left of our contract, plus we're planning on moving as soon as we find a new place, which could be any time. Sorry about that. Thank you.
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