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Posts: 11Member
Joined: Mar 19, 2016
Posts: 11Member
Joined: Mar 19, 2016
Posts: 2,144Member, Moderator
Joined: Sep 14, 2015
Tracker Update FEB-IBIG Batch (15/21)
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
1. @EAP | 189 |11-Feb-2016 l Adelaide l 24-Feb-2016 l DG l xxxx | xx-201x
2. @princesslai | 189 |15-Feb-2016 l Adelaide l 27-Feb-2016 l DG l xxxx | xx-201x
3. @Pausatio l 190 l 08-Feb-2016 l Brisbane l 29-Feb-2016 l DG l NSW/Sydney | Jul-2016
4. @engineer20 l 190 l 05-Feb-2016 l Brisbane l 04-Mar-2016 l DG l NSW/Sydney | xx-201x
5. @attysarle l 190 l 06-Feb-2016 l xxxx l 07-Mar-2016 l DG l Canberra/ACT | onshore
6. @se29m | 189 l 26-Feb-2016 l Adelaide l 15-Mar-2016 l DG l WA/Perth | 25-May-2016
7. @Nolwe | 189 l 24-Feb-2016 l Brisbane l 15-Mar-2016 l DG l NSW/Sydney | xx-201x
8. @fi0na03 | 189 l 26-Feb-2016 l Brisbane l19-Mar-2016 l DG | WA/Perth| Jul-2016
9. @COE7 |190|16-Feb-2016 | Adelaide | 23-Mar-2016 |DG| NSW/Sydney |Feb 2017 |
10. @orangish10 l 189 l 19-Feb-2016 l 01-March-2016 / Medical, F80, PCC l Adelaide l 06-Apr-2016 l NSW/Sydney | xx-201x
11. @fallenchocolates | 189 l 20-Feb-2016 l 02-Mar-2016 / Medicals l Adelaide l 06-Apr-2016 l xxxx | xx-201x
12. @grrrowl | 189 l 20-Feb-2016 l 15-Mar-2016 / Medicals l Adelaide l 08-Apr-2016 l xxxx | xx-201x
13. @jrgongon | 190 |15-Feb-2016 l 15-Mar-2016 / PTE Results l Adelaide l 15-Apr-2016 l NSW/Sydney | Aug-2016
14. @GSG1124 | 189 l 18-Feb-2016 l 09-Mar-2016 / xxxx l Adelaide l 19-Apr-2016 l xxxx | xx-201x
15. @grant512 | 189 l 05-Feb-2016 l 24-Feb-2016 / xxxx l xxxx l 19-Apr-2016 l xxxx | xx-201x
1. @kate27 l 189 l 10-Feb-2016 l 25-Feb-2016 / Medical for Dependent l Adelaide l xx-xx-2016 l xxxx | xx-201x
2. @dyanini | 189 l 16-Feb-2016 l 29-Feb-2016 / Medical, F80, PCC l Brisbane l xx-xx-2016 l xxxx | xx-201x
3. @dan78 | 189 l 20-Feb-2016 l 11-Mar-2016 / Form 80, Medical l Adelaide l xx-xx-2016 l xxxx | xx-201x
4. @mommyo | 189 l 21-Feb-2016 l 11-Mar-2016 / NBI Verification l Brisbane l xx-xx-2016 l xxxx | xx-201x
5. @aleilkj08 | 189 l 24-Feb-2016 l 15-Mar-2016 / Additional employment evidence l Brisbane l xx-xx-2016 l NSW/Sydney | xx-201x
6. @tatskie | 189 l 27-Feb-2016 l 21-Mar-2016 / NBI & Evidence of Employment- Overseas Income l Adelaide l xx-xx-2016 l xxxx | xx-201x
233211 Civil Engineer
30/09/15 - VETASSESS Lodged - 133112 Project Builder
09/10/15 - IELTS Results: L-7.5, R-7.0, W-6.0, S-7.5 OBS-7.0
19/10/15 - PTE A Results: L-82, R-74, S-90, W-76 OAS-79
26/11/15 - Obtained NBI Clearance
09/12/15 - VETASSESS Results - NEGATIVE!!!
12/01/16 - Submitted CDR to Engineers Australia
22/01/16 - EA Positive Results - Bachelor's Degree with 4 years 8 months skilled employment
22/01/16 - Lodged EOI 189 (60pts)
03/02/16 - Received 189 ITA
11/02/16 - Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required
18/02/16 - Obtained SG CoC
26/02/16 - Lodged 189 Visa
15/03/16 - Direct Grant - IED 11/02/2017
25/05/16 - Big Move Perth!
16/06/16 - Started Casual Work
11/07/16 - Permanent Full-time Work
Now for the Citizenship Journey
26/08/2019 - Applied and acknowledgement letter received
27/09/2019 - Test Email Invite for 19/12/2019
01/10/2019 - Actual Test/Interview Date
01/10/2019 - Approval Date (received the approval letter from the post 11/10/2019)
05/02/2020 - Ceremony Date (received the email 10/01/2020)
Posts: 262Member
Joined: Nov 12, 2013
2009 - Assssment req, submit req, ielts failed, wife got pregnant
Pursue our dream! ( finish what you started )
Nov 13, 2013 --Enquiry for agent fees and reading materials for RPL
Nov 7, 2014 -- ACS lodge for skill assessment
Nov 17, 2014-- + assessment from ACS
Nov 26, 2014 -- IELTS payment and review starts now.
Apr 10, 2015-- IELTS EXAM + result 7,7,7.5, 7.5 Passed!
May 6, 2015-- EOI Submitted (60pts visa189 )
Oct 3, 2015 -- + 5 points work experience EOI Updated (65pts visa 189)
Jan 22, 2016 -- invited to lodge
Feb 5, 2016 -- Lodge 189 visa and pay visa fee
Feb 24, 2016 -- CO allocation and ask for medical, nbi clearance, medium of instruction for me
March 00, 2016 - wife & me went to NBI for clearance ( may hit! ) settle the next day sa UN branch. I got mine my wife needs to wait 2 weeks pa!
March 00, 2016 -- Went to Medical city (sat) it was closed!
March 00, 2016 -- I went back to SG for my medical and my family medical sched below
March 17 , 2016 -- Medical at St Lukes
April 19, 2016 -- Visa Grant! Thank you for the additional blessing Lord!
Feb 8, 2017 -- Hello Sydney!
Feb 21-- Got our own place to stay and we can call home
March 5, 2017 -- Got the job I wanted
July 30, 2017 - Got another Job offer! better pay and permanent position
Oh yeah! Dreams do come true! Act now!
Posts: 79Member
Joined: Feb 10, 2016
ANZSCO 261313 (Software Engineer)
Dec 7, 2015 : ACS Submission
Dec 16, 2015 : ACS Result
Jan 23, 1016 : IELTS Exam @ BC Manila
Feb 5, 2016 : IELTS Result (L:9.0, R:7.5, W:7.0, S:7.5)
Feb 9, 2016 : Submitted EOI for Visa 189 (Claiming 65 points)
Feb 16, 2016 : Received ITA
Feb 20, 2016 : Medicals @ NHSI Makati (Need to come back for other test)
Feb 24, 2016 : Obtained NBI Clearance
Mar 2, 2016 : Medicals @ NHSI Makati (Completed the medical)
Mar 3, 2016 : Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required
Mar 8, 2016 : Lodged Visa Application
Apr 1, 2016 : CO Allocated (Team Adelaide) - Requested for Form 1023 for change in non-migrating dependents
Apr 4, 2016 : Called the GSM office to notify that the request has been submitted
Apr 4, 2016 : VISA GRANT!!!!
Aug 2016 : BIG MOVE...
Oct 2016 : Start of Work
Posts: 33Member
Joined: Mar 03, 2016
May 04, 2016 - Received the golden email.
Mar 24, 2016 - Additional information uploaded/submitted.
Mar 21, 2016 - CO(GSM Adelaide) contacted: Requested for more information (PCC & Evidence of Employment- Overseas Income)
Mar 08, 2016 - Medical results uploaded (no action required)
Feb 27, 2016 - Submitted application. Started uploading required documents.
Feb 17, 2016 - Received invitation to apply
Feb 13, 2016 - Submitted EOI for 189
Posts: 34Member
Joined: Apr 21, 2016
I have just joined this forum and I am amazed at how fast the visa granting for others are. Congratulations. On this light, I would like to ask your help regarding my issues on my visa application.
My husband and I (dependent) applied for a visa 189, lodged last Feb 27, received a contact from our case officer (Adelaide) last March 31. She asked for several documents such as police clearance / offshore police clearance certificates, medical, form 80, payslips, English Cert (for dependent).
Question: Should we just attach a scanned colour copy of the original police clearance certificates or should we send the original police clearance certificates issued from us (Philippines, Singapore, France, Kuwait, HK) by POST to the dept in Australia? What is the procedure normally?
Our case officer is also requesting for an offshore police clearance certificate; is it different from a normal police clearance certificate issued by any country?
We are also given 28 days to respond to her email, does that mean that we are only given 28 days to complete all the documents she requested from us? We can not not update our immi account as "request completed" until we have everything right?
Apology for asking a lot
Posts: 13Member
Joined: Mar 14, 2014
I called today to follow-up. Within the 28 days, wala daw processing sa side nila. It's only after 28 days that they will continue to process. And I would just have to wait. Hindi rin hiningi ang PP ko.
Sa nag follow-up via email, did you just reply to the CO email? Or may dedicated email for follow-up?
August 2015 Start gathering documents
November 11, 2015 Applied for assessment
December 8, 2015 Positive assessment
January 26, 2016 PTE test
January 27, 2016 PTE pass
January 28, 2016 Submitted EOI
February 2, 2016 Invited
February 16, 2016 Lodge
February 29, 2016 GSM Brisbane CO first contact, required PCC, form 80 & medical
March 1, 2016 Medical
March 2, 2016 Cleared medical hubby and me, pending for kids
March 6, 2016 Medical - no action required for the whole family
March 7, 2016 Provided PCC, form 80
May 30, 2016 Grant Received
Making it happen with God's grace.
Posts: 2,144Member, Moderator
Joined: Sep 14, 2015
233211 Civil Engineer
30/09/15 - VETASSESS Lodged - 133112 Project Builder
09/10/15 - IELTS Results: L-7.5, R-7.0, W-6.0, S-7.5 OBS-7.0
19/10/15 - PTE A Results: L-82, R-74, S-90, W-76 OAS-79
26/11/15 - Obtained NBI Clearance
09/12/15 - VETASSESS Results - NEGATIVE!!!
12/01/16 - Submitted CDR to Engineers Australia
22/01/16 - EA Positive Results - Bachelor's Degree with 4 years 8 months skilled employment
22/01/16 - Lodged EOI 189 (60pts)
03/02/16 - Received 189 ITA
11/02/16 - Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required
18/02/16 - Obtained SG CoC
26/02/16 - Lodged 189 Visa
15/03/16 - Direct Grant - IED 11/02/2017
25/05/16 - Big Move Perth!
16/06/16 - Started Casual Work
11/07/16 - Permanent Full-time Work
Now for the Citizenship Journey
26/08/2019 - Applied and acknowledgement letter received
27/09/2019 - Test Email Invite for 19/12/2019
01/10/2019 - Actual Test/Interview Date
01/10/2019 - Approval Date (received the approval letter from the post 11/10/2019)
05/02/2020 - Ceremony Date (received the email 10/01/2020)
Posts: 2,144Member, Moderator
Joined: Sep 14, 2015
Tracker Update FEB-IBIG Batch (15/22)
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
1. @EAP | 189 |11-Feb-2016 l Adelaide l 24-Feb-2016 l DG l xxxx | xx-201x
2. @princesslai | 189 |15-Feb-2016 l Adelaide l 27-Feb-2016 l DG l xxxx | xx-201x
3. @Pausatio l 190 l 08-Feb-2016 l Brisbane l 29-Feb-2016 l DG l NSW/Sydney | Jul-2016
4. @engineer20 l 190 l 05-Feb-2016 l Brisbane l 04-Mar-2016 l DG l NSW/Sydney | xx-201x
5. @attysarle l 190 l 06-Feb-2016 l xxxx l 07-Mar-2016 l DG l Canberra/ACT | onshore
6. @se29m | 189 l 26-Feb-2016 l Adelaide l 15-Mar-2016 l DG l WA/Perth | 25-May-2016
7. @Nolwe | 189 l 24-Feb-2016 l Brisbane l 15-Mar-2016 l DG l NSW/Sydney | xx-201x
8. @fi0na03 | 189 l 26-Feb-2016 l Brisbane l19-Mar-2016 l DG | WA/Perth| Jul-2016
9. @COE7 |190|16-Feb-2016 | Adelaide | 23-Mar-2016 |DG| NSW/Sydney |Feb 2017 |
10. @orangish10 l 189 l 19-Feb-2016 l 01-March-2016 / Medical, F80, PCC l Adelaide l 06-Apr-2016 l NSW/Sydney | xx-201x
11. @fallenchocolates | 189 l 20-Feb-2016 l 02-Mar-2016 / Medicals l Adelaide l 06-Apr-2016 l xxxx | xx-201x
12. @grrrowl | 189 l 20-Feb-2016 l 15-Mar-2016 / Medicals l Adelaide l 08-Apr-2016 l xxxx | xx-201x
13. @jrgongon | 190 |15-Feb-2016 l 15-Mar-2016 / PTE Results l Adelaide l 15-Apr-2016 l NSW/Sydney | Aug-2016
14. @GSG1124 | 189 l 18-Feb-2016 l 09-Mar-2016 / xxxx l Adelaide l 19-Apr-2016 l xxxx | xx-201x
15. @grant512 | 189 l 05-Feb-2016 l 24-Feb-2016 / xxxx l xxxx l 19-Apr-2016 l xxxx | xx-201x
1. @kate27 l 189 l 10-Feb-2016 l 25-Feb-2016 / Medical for Dependent l Adelaide l xx-xx-2016 l xxxx | xx-201x
2. @dyanini | 189 l 16-Feb-2016 l 29-Feb-2016 / Medical, F80, PCC l Brisbane l xx-xx-2016 l xxxx | xx-201x
3. @dan78 | 189 l 20-Feb-2016 l 11-Mar-2016 / Form 80, Medical l Adelaide l xx-xx-2016 l xxxx | xx-201x
4. @mommyo | 189 l 21-Feb-2016 l 11-Mar-2016 / NBI Verification l Brisbane l xx-xx-2016 l xxxx | xx-201x
5. @aleilkj08 | 189 l 24-Feb-2016 l 15-Mar-2016 / Additional employment evidence l Brisbane l xx-xx-2016 l NSW/Sydney | xx-201x
6. @tatskie | 189 l 27-Feb-2016 l 21-Mar-2016 / NBI & Evidence of Employment- Overseas Income l Adelaide l xx-xx-2016 l xxxx | xx-201x
7. @Kale_2016 | 189 l 27-Feb-2016 l 31-Mar-2016 / PCC/Medical/Payslips/Form80/CEMI l Adelaide l xx-xx-2016 l xxxx | xx-201x
233211 Civil Engineer
30/09/15 - VETASSESS Lodged - 133112 Project Builder
09/10/15 - IELTS Results: L-7.5, R-7.0, W-6.0, S-7.5 OBS-7.0
19/10/15 - PTE A Results: L-82, R-74, S-90, W-76 OAS-79
26/11/15 - Obtained NBI Clearance
09/12/15 - VETASSESS Results - NEGATIVE!!!
12/01/16 - Submitted CDR to Engineers Australia
22/01/16 - EA Positive Results - Bachelor's Degree with 4 years 8 months skilled employment
22/01/16 - Lodged EOI 189 (60pts)
03/02/16 - Received 189 ITA
11/02/16 - Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required
18/02/16 - Obtained SG CoC
26/02/16 - Lodged 189 Visa
15/03/16 - Direct Grant - IED 11/02/2017
25/05/16 - Big Move Perth!
16/06/16 - Started Casual Work
11/07/16 - Permanent Full-time Work
Now for the Citizenship Journey
26/08/2019 - Applied and acknowledgement letter received
27/09/2019 - Test Email Invite for 19/12/2019
01/10/2019 - Actual Test/Interview Date
01/10/2019 - Approval Date (received the approval letter from the post 11/10/2019)
05/02/2020 - Ceremony Date (received the email 10/01/2020)
Posts: 1,719Member, Moderator
Joined: Jun 09, 2011
29May2015: Submitted Online Application to VETASSESS (312112 Building Associate)
02Jun2015: Lodged Date at VETASSESS
28Aug2015: VETASSESS Assessment Completed (312112 Building Associate) - POSITIVE
17Oct2015: PTE-A taken at SG
19Oct2015: PTE-A Result: L-83, R-90, S-76, W-90 OAS-87
19Oct2015: Submitted EOI Visa 190 (65 points plus SS 5 points if granted)
19Oct2015: Submitted VIC SS Online Application Visa 190
20Oct2015: VIC acknowledged SS application and gave Reference Number
02Nov2015: VIC SS Application Rejected
05Nov2015: Submitted Online Reassessment to VETASSESS (312212 Civil Engineering Technician) 08Feb2016: VETASSESS Outcome POSITIVE
07Nov2015: Updated EOI to select NSW (312112)
18Dec2015: Received NSW SS Invitation Stream 2
21Dec2015: Lodged NSW SS Application
12Jan2016: NSW SS Approved / Visa 190 ITA Received
29Jan2016: SG PCC (Me) / Medical (Me, Wife and Kid)
01Feb2016: Medicals Cleared
05Feb2016: Lodged Visa 190
18Feb2016: NBI Clearance Applied (Me and Wife) - HIT
29Feb2016: SG PCC (Wife)
03Mar2016: Collected and Uploaded NBI Clearance
04Mar2016: Direct Grant
07May2016: Initial Entry (Sydney)
16Jul2017: Big Move
Oct2020: Lodged Citizenship Application
May2021: Citizenship Interview and Test
TBA: Citizenship Ceremony
Posts: 1,413Member, Moderator
Joined: Mar 11, 2015
Skilled Independent Visa Subclass 189: ANZSCO 233512 Mechanical Engineer
Feb. 12, 2016 - Begin PTE-A review & booked exam at Trident
Mar. 21, 2016 - PTE academic Exam Result PASSED
(L:66, R:73, S:80, W:67); Thank you Lord!
Mar. 28, 2016 - Agent updated EOI. Awaiting next round of 189
April 7, 2016 - Received NSW invite (Visa 190)
April 13, 2016 - Received 189 invite (8:56 AM). Thank you Lord!
May 21, 2016 - VISA fee paid to MA. DIBP application received
May 25, 2016 - NBI clearance certificate forwarded to MA
May 30, 2016 - 1st CO contact, Team Adelaide (Medicals asked)
May 31, 2016 - SLEC medical exams with family. Thank you Lord!
June 1, 2016 - Submit to agent CO request (Wife's NBI, Medicals)
June 7, 2016 - Youngest son undergone x-ray at SLEC (2nd visit)
June 14, 2016 - ALL family members "COMPLETED" status to DIBP on medicals
June 29, 2016 - 2nd CO contact. Requested FORM 815 for son.
August 4, 2016 VISA GRANT thank you LORD
August 19, 2016 - PDOS at CFO
October 26, 2016 - Flight to Sydney (then, fly to Western Australia)
Dec. 8, 2016 - Reunited with whole family at Perth
March 15, 2017 - Landed my first job in WA as pressure vessel inspector (Engineering & Mfg Tradesperson job class)
JOSHUA 1:9 - I command you. Be strong and steadfast!
Do not fear nor be dismayed for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.
Posts: 34Member
Joined: Apr 21, 2016
Naguguluhan lang ako kasi nakalagay sa attached letter ni case officer regarding police clearance application for Singapore is this ..."The processing time for this certificate is approximately 2 weeks. If you receive the original Certificate of Clearance, it must be submitted to this office as soon as possible, quoting the above file number" Naguluhan lang ako sa part na yan....
Thank you so much!!!
Posts: 13Member
Joined: Mar 14, 2014
August 2015 Start gathering documents
November 11, 2015 Applied for assessment
December 8, 2015 Positive assessment
January 26, 2016 PTE test
January 27, 2016 PTE pass
January 28, 2016 Submitted EOI
February 2, 2016 Invited
February 16, 2016 Lodge
February 29, 2016 GSM Brisbane CO first contact, required PCC, form 80 & medical
March 1, 2016 Medical
March 2, 2016 Cleared medical hubby and me, pending for kids
March 6, 2016 Medical - no action required for the whole family
March 7, 2016 Provided PCC, form 80
May 30, 2016 Grant Received
Making it happen with God's grace.
Posts: 1,413Member, Moderator
Joined: Mar 11, 2015
Skilled Independent Visa Subclass 189: ANZSCO 233512 Mechanical Engineer
Feb. 12, 2016 - Begin PTE-A review & booked exam at Trident
Mar. 21, 2016 - PTE academic Exam Result PASSED
(L:66, R:73, S:80, W:67); Thank you Lord!
Mar. 28, 2016 - Agent updated EOI. Awaiting next round of 189
April 7, 2016 - Received NSW invite (Visa 190)
April 13, 2016 - Received 189 invite (8:56 AM). Thank you Lord!
May 21, 2016 - VISA fee paid to MA. DIBP application received
May 25, 2016 - NBI clearance certificate forwarded to MA
May 30, 2016 - 1st CO contact, Team Adelaide (Medicals asked)
May 31, 2016 - SLEC medical exams with family. Thank you Lord!
June 1, 2016 - Submit to agent CO request (Wife's NBI, Medicals)
June 7, 2016 - Youngest son undergone x-ray at SLEC (2nd visit)
June 14, 2016 - ALL family members "COMPLETED" status to DIBP on medicals
June 29, 2016 - 2nd CO contact. Requested FORM 815 for son.
August 4, 2016 VISA GRANT thank you LORD
August 19, 2016 - PDOS at CFO
October 26, 2016 - Flight to Sydney (then, fly to Western Australia)
Dec. 8, 2016 - Reunited with whole family at Perth
March 15, 2017 - Landed my first job in WA as pressure vessel inspector (Engineering & Mfg Tradesperson job class)
JOSHUA 1:9 - I command you. Be strong and steadfast!
Do not fear nor be dismayed for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.
Posts: 490Member
Joined: Feb 25, 2016
as for your question kung san kukunin ung police clearance, it depends on which countries. sa dibp website, nakasulat kung san ka dapat kumuha per country. for example, sa pinas dapat NBI (under DOJ, hindi sa police stations). pero sa singapore, sa cantonment office (in the essence, police institution).
Jan 26, 2016: 189 Lodged
Feb 9, 2016: CO Assigned
Feb 23, 2016: Submitted Required Docs
March 18, 2016: Visa Grant
April 28, 2016: Initial Entry (Bank Opening, Medicare, TFN, etc)
July 7, 2016: Big Move!
Posts: 34Member
Joined: Apr 21, 2016
Sorry medyo hindi ako familiar, san idodownload yung extension na form, would you recall yung no. or name ng form for extension? Ang dami kasing hinihingi ng Police Clearance Certificates ni case officer, (France (on process), Singapore (on process), HK (we dont have a letter from the case officer kaya di pa namin masimulan ang overseas application, Kuwait (done), Philippines (done).
Yup, sure add me up.
@engineer20 - Thanks sa info. No nasa Philippines kami ngayon, kaya lang ngayon palang namin ginagawa yung PCC applications since kailangan ng letter from the embassy for us to request for PCC sa ibang bansa.
@Dyanini - Thank you!
Thank you sa lahat ng sumagot at nagbigay ng inputs.
Posts: 13Member
Joined: Mar 14, 2014
BTW, the kids will be required to do PTB skin test. So need bumalik after ng 3 days to confirm results.
Usual required test for adults is blood test, x-ray and physical examination by the doctor.
If di pa kayo naglodge, generate muna ng HAPID for the exact details of the required medical test.
August 2015 Start gathering documents
November 11, 2015 Applied for assessment
December 8, 2015 Positive assessment
January 26, 2016 PTE test
January 27, 2016 PTE pass
January 28, 2016 Submitted EOI
February 2, 2016 Invited
February 16, 2016 Lodge
February 29, 2016 GSM Brisbane CO first contact, required PCC, form 80 & medical
March 1, 2016 Medical
March 2, 2016 Cleared medical hubby and me, pending for kids
March 6, 2016 Medical - no action required for the whole family
March 7, 2016 Provided PCC, form 80
May 30, 2016 Grant Received
Making it happen with God's grace.
Posts: 34Member
Joined: Apr 21, 2016
Thank you sa lahat ng inputs.
Posts: 1,413Member, Moderator
Joined: Mar 11, 2015
Skilled Independent Visa Subclass 189: ANZSCO 233512 Mechanical Engineer
Feb. 12, 2016 - Begin PTE-A review & booked exam at Trident
Mar. 21, 2016 - PTE academic Exam Result PASSED
(L:66, R:73, S:80, W:67); Thank you Lord!
Mar. 28, 2016 - Agent updated EOI. Awaiting next round of 189
April 7, 2016 - Received NSW invite (Visa 190)
April 13, 2016 - Received 189 invite (8:56 AM). Thank you Lord!
May 21, 2016 - VISA fee paid to MA. DIBP application received
May 25, 2016 - NBI clearance certificate forwarded to MA
May 30, 2016 - 1st CO contact, Team Adelaide (Medicals asked)
May 31, 2016 - SLEC medical exams with family. Thank you Lord!
June 1, 2016 - Submit to agent CO request (Wife's NBI, Medicals)
June 7, 2016 - Youngest son undergone x-ray at SLEC (2nd visit)
June 14, 2016 - ALL family members "COMPLETED" status to DIBP on medicals
June 29, 2016 - 2nd CO contact. Requested FORM 815 for son.
August 4, 2016 VISA GRANT thank you LORD
August 19, 2016 - PDOS at CFO
October 26, 2016 - Flight to Sydney (then, fly to Western Australia)
Dec. 8, 2016 - Reunited with whole family at Perth
March 15, 2017 - Landed my first job in WA as pressure vessel inspector (Engineering & Mfg Tradesperson job class)
JOSHUA 1:9 - I command you. Be strong and steadfast!
Do not fear nor be dismayed for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.
Posts: 34Member
Joined: Apr 21, 2016
Id like to inquire if there is a form I can download from the website ( for a possible "extension" to provide the required documents requested from us by the case officer. We are still in the process of requesting police clearance certificates from different countries and Im afraid we wont meet the 28-day allotted period given to us.
Appreciate your help.
Posts: 2,144Member, Moderator
Joined: Sep 14, 2015
It is usually possible to get a further extension if totally necessary, this should be avoided but we have never had an extension request denied. If you do have an extension request denied, you should request the case officer speak to their team leader, manager, principal migration officer or senior migration officer or put you in touch with them. We would do the same if we were denied the first request for an extension as we would consider this unfair and unreasonable decision making
So you can email your CO for an extension request
233211 Civil Engineer
30/09/15 - VETASSESS Lodged - 133112 Project Builder
09/10/15 - IELTS Results: L-7.5, R-7.0, W-6.0, S-7.5 OBS-7.0
19/10/15 - PTE A Results: L-82, R-74, S-90, W-76 OAS-79
26/11/15 - Obtained NBI Clearance
09/12/15 - VETASSESS Results - NEGATIVE!!!
12/01/16 - Submitted CDR to Engineers Australia
22/01/16 - EA Positive Results - Bachelor's Degree with 4 years 8 months skilled employment
22/01/16 - Lodged EOI 189 (60pts)
03/02/16 - Received 189 ITA
11/02/16 - Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required
18/02/16 - Obtained SG CoC
26/02/16 - Lodged 189 Visa
15/03/16 - Direct Grant - IED 11/02/2017
25/05/16 - Big Move Perth!
16/06/16 - Started Casual Work
11/07/16 - Permanent Full-time Work
Now for the Citizenship Journey
26/08/2019 - Applied and acknowledgement letter received
27/09/2019 - Test Email Invite for 19/12/2019
01/10/2019 - Actual Test/Interview Date
01/10/2019 - Approval Date (received the approval letter from the post 11/10/2019)
05/02/2020 - Ceremony Date (received the email 10/01/2020)
Posts: 490Member
Joined: Feb 25, 2016
Jan 26, 2016: 189 Lodged
Feb 9, 2016: CO Assigned
Feb 23, 2016: Submitted Required Docs
March 18, 2016: Visa Grant
April 28, 2016: Initial Entry (Bank Opening, Medicare, TFN, etc)
July 7, 2016: Big Move!
Posts: 34Member
Joined: Apr 21, 2016
Thank you so much!
Posts: 2,144Member, Moderator
Joined: Sep 14, 2015
233211 Civil Engineer
30/09/15 - VETASSESS Lodged - 133112 Project Builder
09/10/15 - IELTS Results: L-7.5, R-7.0, W-6.0, S-7.5 OBS-7.0
19/10/15 - PTE A Results: L-82, R-74, S-90, W-76 OAS-79
26/11/15 - Obtained NBI Clearance
09/12/15 - VETASSESS Results - NEGATIVE!!!
12/01/16 - Submitted CDR to Engineers Australia
22/01/16 - EA Positive Results - Bachelor's Degree with 4 years 8 months skilled employment
22/01/16 - Lodged EOI 189 (60pts)
03/02/16 - Received 189 ITA
11/02/16 - Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required
18/02/16 - Obtained SG CoC
26/02/16 - Lodged 189 Visa
15/03/16 - Direct Grant - IED 11/02/2017
25/05/16 - Big Move Perth!
16/06/16 - Started Casual Work
11/07/16 - Permanent Full-time Work
Now for the Citizenship Journey
26/08/2019 - Applied and acknowledgement letter received
27/09/2019 - Test Email Invite for 19/12/2019
01/10/2019 - Actual Test/Interview Date
01/10/2019 - Approval Date (received the approval letter from the post 11/10/2019)
05/02/2020 - Ceremony Date (received the email 10/01/2020)
Posts: 206Member
Joined: Jan 05, 2016
Primary applicant: wife
Nov 13, 2015 - PTE - 20pts
Jan 12, 2016 - CPAA skills assessment 15+5pts
Jan 12, 2016 - Lodged 1st EOI (single) for Visa 189 (70 points)
Jan 22, 2016 - ITA (we'll let this one expire)
Feb 2, 2016 - we decided to get married instead and lodged 2nd EOI (de facto)
Feb 3, 2016 - received 2nd ITA
Mar 5, 2016 - Medical @ Nationwide
Mar 8, 2016 - Health clearance provided
Mar 18, 2016 - Visa Lodged (married)
Mar 23, 2016 - uploaded all docs..
Apr 20, 2016 - DG
Posts: 735Member
Joined: Jun 19, 2015
Age - 25pts
Experience - 5pts
Education - 15pts
PTE - 10pts
SS - 5pts
November 2014 = Decided to pursue family migration to Australia
January 2015 = Took the IELTS @ British Council (S:7.5,W:6.5,L:7.5,R:7.5)
February - July 2015 = Gather Necessary Documents For Assessment
August 3, 2015 = Submitted documents to Vetassess
October 15, 2015 = Vetassess called our landline to verify my submitted documents
October 21, 2015 = Positive and Negative Result from Vetassess.....out of 10 years of employment 2.7 years lang ang credited sa akin....
October 23, 2015 = Scheduled for PTE-A on November 6...aiming to get 20 points..wish me luck
November 7, 2015 = I took the PTE-A Exam
November 8, 2015 = Results of PTE-A (Listening:80;Reading:63;Speaking:84;Writing:75) 2 Points na lang hindi pa ako pinagbigyan....huhuhu
November 13, 2015 = Baba ng 5 points at the same time schedule din ng PTE-A exam ko
November 13, 2015 = Result of PTE Take 2 (Listening:69; Reading:63; Speaking:79;Writing:78) Sablay na naman
December 2, 2015 = PTE 3rd Retake (sana pumasa na)
December 4, 2015 = PTE Result (Listening:65; Reading: 67; Speaking:68; Writing: 67) Sa wakas
December 4, 2015 = Submitted EOI Visa 190
December 11, 2015 = Received ITA
December 12, 2015 = Lodged NSW Nomination
January 11, 2015 = NSW Approved
January 25, 2016 = Medical @ Nationwide Makati
February 15, 2016 = Lodged Visa (Waiting Game)
March 15, 2016 = CO reuqested for PTE results
*****Sana maging okay ang lahat****
Posts: 749Member
Joined: Sep 21, 2015
Chemical Engineer || ANZSCO 233111
Aug.29.2015 - IELTS Schedule
Sep.11.2015 - Received IELTS Result - [L8.5|R7.5|W6.5|S7]
Sep.15.2015 - Submitted requirements to EA for assessment
Sep.19.2015 - Applied for Remarking at IDP Makati
Nov.04.2015 - Received Remarking Result - Successful: Writing Module changed to Band 7
Nov.27.2015 - Applied for NBI with husband (with HIT)Dec.14.2015 - Received EA Positive Outcome Letter
Dec.15.2015 - Submitted EOI Visa 189- 70 points
Dec.18.2015 - Received ITA
Dec.19.2015 - Medical at Nationwide Makati (with husband and daughter)
Dec.22.2015 - Additional test required for daughter : X-ray due to positive PPD skin test
Dec.22.2015 - Husband's Medical Status: Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required
Dec.23.2015 - My Medical Status: Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required
Jan.12.2016 - Lodged Visa Application
Jan.12.2016 - Front loaded all documents (including Form 80)
Jan.13.2016 - Daughter's Medical Status: Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required (Thank you Lord!)
Jan.28.2016 - CO Allocated - GSM Adelaide, requesting for signed Form 815: Health Undertaking Form for my daughter [Day 16]
Jan.28.2016 - Submitted signed Form 815 for my daughter [Day 16]
Mar.18.2016 - Visa Grant, Thank you Lord! [Day 50, from Visa Lodgment] IED - Jul.13.2016
Mar.18.2016 - Booked flight to Brisbane, QLD (via Qantas) for Initial Entry with family on May.29.2016
Mar.29.2016 - PDOS at CFO
May.29.2016 - Initial Entry in Brisbane, QLD fulfilled
Jan.17, 2017 - Hired by an Au company while still in PH
Jan. 19, 2017 - Resigned from work in PH
Feb.10.2017 - Big move to Perth, WA with hubby and daughter
Feb.13.2017 - 1st day of Full Time Work
Aug 04.2017 - Start of husband's casual work
Aug.16.2017 - End of Probationary Period, permanent full time employment confirmed
Oct. 09.2017 - Start of husband's fulltime work (probationary)
Posts: 33Member
Joined: Mar 03, 2016
May 04, 2016 - Received the golden email.
Mar 24, 2016 - Additional information uploaded/submitted.
Mar 21, 2016 - CO(GSM Adelaide) contacted: Requested for more information (PCC & Evidence of Employment- Overseas Income)
Mar 08, 2016 - Medical results uploaded (no action required)
Feb 27, 2016 - Submitted application. Started uploading required documents.
Feb 17, 2016 - Received invitation to apply
Feb 13, 2016 - Submitted EOI for 189
Posts: 206Member
Joined: Jan 05, 2016
Primary applicant: wife
Nov 13, 2015 - PTE - 20pts
Jan 12, 2016 - CPAA skills assessment 15+5pts
Jan 12, 2016 - Lodged 1st EOI (single) for Visa 189 (70 points)
Jan 22, 2016 - ITA (we'll let this one expire)
Feb 2, 2016 - we decided to get married instead and lodged 2nd EOI (de facto)
Feb 3, 2016 - received 2nd ITA
Mar 5, 2016 - Medical @ Nationwide
Mar 8, 2016 - Health clearance provided
Mar 18, 2016 - Visa Lodged (married)
Mar 23, 2016 - uploaded all docs..
Apr 20, 2016 - DG