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Passport Renewal in Adelaide

ch1ck33n4ch1ck33n4 BrisbanePosts: 2Member
Hello everyone! I am new here. :)

Has anyone here renewed his passport in Adelaide? I called up the Philippine Embassy in Canberra and I was told that I have to go to Sydney or Canberra to have my passport renewed :( which I cannot afford. I am a little bit confused because I saw a thread here on one of the discussions which says otherwise.

jayjee09 January 2011 QuoteFlagReplyLike
[Offline] Posts: 57
@Marit_z83 , did some research... got the article below from the philembassy site =>

It says it will take around 4 to 6 weeks processing time?

"No Need to Travel to Canberra for New Philippine Machine Readable Passports (MRP)

When the Philippine Embassy began accepting applications for the new Philippine Machine Readable Passports (MRP) last July, it soon became obvious that the requirement for personal appearance when filing applications can be an expensive and time-consuming process for our kababayans.

The Philippine Embassy thus sought the approval of the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs to allow for personal appearance at Philippine Honorary Consulates/Consulates General in state capitals, making it unnecessary for Filipinos outside the Australian Capital Region (ACT) to travel all the way to Canberra. Participating Honorary Consulates General are Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Darwin and Hobart.

Below is the alternative way to apply for the Machine Readable Passport:
1. Applicants should submit the following by mail to the Philippine Embassy in Canberra:
b. 3 passport photos with royal blue background;2. Upon the receipt of the completed forms and fees, the Embassy shall process the application and issue the MRP computer-generated form (MRP-CGF).
3. The MRP-CGF will be mailed by Express Post to the Philippine Honorary Consulate / Consulate General nearest the place of residence of the applicant.
4. The Philippine Honorary Consulate / Consulate General will contact the applicant for personal appearance.
5. The applicant will confirm the encoded data in the MRP-CGF and affix his signature and thumbmark on the space provided in the presence of the Philippine Honorary Consular Official. For the verification service, the Philippine Honorary Consulate General are authorized to collect verification fee in the amount of AU$45.00.
6. Any error or disparity in the data of the MRP-CGF should be reported to the Honorary Consulate / Consulate General which will request for the issuance of a new and correct MRP-CGF from the Embassy.
7. The Philippine Honorary Consulate General will mail back the signed and thumbmarked MRP-CGF back to the Embassy in Canberra, with a written verification that the applicant has confirmed the data in the form, signed and thumbmarked the form in his presence.
8. The Embassy will forward the accomplished MRP-CGF to the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila for passport production.
9. The Embassy will notify the applicant once his passport is ready. Applicant will be required to mail his current and valid passport to the Embassy for cancellation.
10. The Embassy will send by Express Post the new MRP passport to the applicant upon receipt of applicant's current passport.
11. Passport issuance time is around 4 to 6 weeks from the time the accomplished MRP-CGF is received by the Embassy.

It will be noted that the additional postage fee of AUD30.00 is necessary to shoulder the mailing expense of the MRP-CGF from the Embassy to the Honorary Consulate / Consulate General and vice-versa, in lieu of the personal appearance by the applicant at the Embassy.
Filipinos in the ACT can continue to file their applications in person with the Philippine Embassy in Canberra."

No Need to Travel to Canberra for New Philippine Machine Readable Passports (MRP)

PLEASE HELP! what did u do? what should i do? any information will be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance! :)


  • cfandinocfandino Sydney
    Posts: 2Member
    Joined: Aug 04, 2012
    Hi there. You can contact Dr Juanta, our Honorary Consulate located in 61 Melville St, South Plympton. Office hours between 10-12pm. Phone 08 8297 0840 to set your appointment. Hope this helps. Cheers.
  • poinsettia9poinsettia9 Brisbane
    Posts: 96Member
    Joined: Aug 18, 2013
    Pffft I would rather go to Canberra than set an appointment with Dr. Juanta. He is so arrogant.

    July 9 2013: Applied for ANMAC
    Nov 19 2013: ANMAC assessment completed
    Nov. 22 2013: Applied for state nomination (visa 190)
    Dec. 13 2013: State Nomination approved
    Dec. 14 2013: Submitted EOI/ Bridging Visa A granted
    Feb. 3 2014: CO assigned (Additional doc. requested)
    Feb. 7 2014: NBI and Medicals submitted
    Feb. 20, 2014: Visa Grant

  • rarekingrareking Montreal
    Posts: 466Member
    Joined: Jul 17, 2014
    @poinsettia9 - elaborate please. Details?

    IELTS+REMARK - 2MOS | ANZSCO - 3MOS | NT 489 INVITE - 1MO | SA 190 INVITE - 1.5MOS | VISA GRANT - 1.5MOS (15-OCT 2014)

  • rarekingrareking Montreal
    Posts: 466Member
    Joined: Jul 17, 2014
    @poinsettia9 we can report it if its true. His office should be service oriented, we paid for him to be there.

    IELTS+REMARK - 2MOS | ANZSCO - 3MOS | NT 489 INVITE - 1MO | SA 190 INVITE - 1.5MOS | VISA GRANT - 1.5MOS (15-OCT 2014)

  • epiboy99epiboy99 Adelaide
    Posts: 196Member
    Joined: Feb 09, 2013
    Dr. Juanta is not the honorary consul in Adelaide anymore. According to the Philippine consulate website, "Philippine Ambassador to Australia Belen F. Anota administered the oath of office to Mr. Mark McBriarty who officially assumed his role as Philippine Honorary Consul General in Adelaide, South Australia on November 20 2014. "

    Contact info:
    Level 1/204 Portrush Road
    Trinity Gardens SA 5068

    Hours: Monday - Friday
    9:30AM - 3:00PM
    Tel.: 0434 911 202
    Fax: (08) 8431 4174
    [email protected]
    By appointment only.


    17 Aug 2013 457 visa approved
    02 Sep 2013 first day of work
    04 May 2016 lodged 186 visa
    17 Nov 2016 PR granted
    27 Nov 2017 lodged application for citizenship
    30 April 2018 citizenship application approved
    28 August 2018 citizenship ceremony

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