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PTE exam - free demo class

skillslagoonskillslagoon New DelhiPosts: 5Member
edited February 2016 in General Ads
Get high score on PTE Academic. Join our online classes. Book a free demo class now.


  • skillslagoonskillslagoon New Delhi
    Posts: 5Member
    Joined: Jan 28, 2016
    if anyone is interested for PTE-A get contact with us.
  • jaceejoefjaceejoef Mandaluyong
    Posts: 333Member
    Joined: Apr 23, 2015
    you'll get more people to join if you at least give us an overview of what does this demo class entails.

    Software Engineer (261313) | Age = 30 | Education = 15 | Experience = 5 | English = 10

    28.10.2016 PTE-A Exam
    02.11.2016 PTE-A Results (L69 R66 S50 W77) - saklap!
    19.11.2016 PTE-A Mock Exam A (L72 R56 S62 W69)
    26.11.2016 PTE-A Mock Exam B (L69 R61 S56 W69)
    28.11.2016 PTE-A Exam
    28.11.2016 PTE-A Results (L64 R73 S64 W68)
    10.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 1 - submit documents
    13.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 2
    14.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 3
    22.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Submit updated document
    22.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 4
    03.03.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 5 - positive result!
    29.05.2017 PTE-A Exam
    29.05.2017 PTE-A Results (L78 R76 S66 W78)
    01.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 189 (60 points)
    01.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 190 (65 points) - NSW
    28.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 190 (65 points) - Victoria
    19.07.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (70 points) - SA - on hold. high points required
    27.07.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (70 points) - Tasmania
    30.08.2017 Lodge Tasmania Application
    12.10.2017 Tasmania Application - CO assigned
    17.10.2017 Tasmania Application - denied

    Web Developer (261212) | Age = 30 | Education = 15 | Experience = 10 | English = 10 | State = 10

    20.02.2018 ACS Skill Assessment Submit
    12.04.2018 ACS Skill Assessment Result - positive!
    01.08.2018 additional 5 points for experience
    15.08.2018 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (75 points)
    16.08.2018 Lodge SA Application
    31.10.2018 ITA received for SA visa 489
    27.11.2018 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC
    29.11.2018 Medical Clearance Provided - no action required
    18.12.2018 Lodge Visa
    26.09.2019 Visa Grant
    28.02.2020 Big Move
    08.03.2022 Visa Extension (additional 3 years)

    Medical Exam at St. Luke's Experience

    BM Experience to Adelaide

    Visa 489 Subsequent Entrant (De Facto)
    27.12.2021 Lodge Visa
    30.04.2022 CO contact - Medical Exam Requested
    23.06.2022 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC
    22.07.2022 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC (rescheduled)
    10.08.2022 Medical further information required - doctor's note
    02.09.2022 Submitted additional requirement
    22.01.2023 Medical further information required - x-ray
    27.01.2023 Submitted additional requirement
    12.12.2023 Visa Grant
    11.01.2025 Big Move

    Visa 887 Skilled Regional visa (PR)
    20.01.2025 Lodge Visa

  • jedh_gjedh_g Perth WA
    Posts: 1,413Member, Moderator
    Joined: Mar 11, 2015
    @jaceejoef I tried their service tonight, it seemed friendly and professional sila. At least I noticed, not focus on payment but rather an overview on how PTE exam is conducted. This a good start to familiarize with the test format. Meron din sila mga practice skill and you got the option to set your best review time on weekdays or weekend. Personally, may female na kumausap sa akin to explain by her audio along with online presentation (web tutorial). Maganda ito like me na kukuha din ng PTE while working.

    Skilled Independent Visa Subclass 189: ANZSCO 233512 Mechanical Engineer

    Feb. 12, 2016 - Begin PTE-A review & booked exam at Trident
    Mar. 21, 2016 - PTE academic Exam Result PASSED
    (L:66, R:73, S:80, W:67); Thank you Lord!
    Mar. 28, 2016 - Agent updated EOI. Awaiting next round of 189
    April 7, 2016 - Received NSW invite (Visa 190)
    April 13, 2016 - Received 189 invite (8:56 AM). Thank you Lord!
    May 21, 2016 - VISA fee paid to MA. DIBP application received
    May 25, 2016 - NBI clearance certificate forwarded to MA
    May 30, 2016 - 1st CO contact, Team Adelaide (Medicals asked)
    May 31, 2016 - SLEC medical exams with family. Thank you Lord!
    June 1, 2016 - Submit to agent CO request (Wife's NBI, Medicals)
    June 7, 2016 - Youngest son undergone x-ray at SLEC (2nd visit)
    June 14, 2016 - ALL family members "COMPLETED" status to DIBP on medicals
    June 29, 2016 - 2nd CO contact. Requested FORM 815 for son.
    August 4, 2016 VISA GRANT thank you LORD
    August 19, 2016 - PDOS at CFO
    October 26, 2016 - Flight to Sydney (then, fly to Western Australia)

    Dec. 8, 2016 - Reunited with whole family at Perth

    March 15, 2017 - Landed my first job in WA as pressure vessel inspector (Engineering & Mfg Tradesperson job class)

    JOSHUA 1:9 - I command you. Be strong and steadfast!
    Do not fear nor be dismayed for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.

  • batmanbatman Darwin Australia
    Posts: 3,532Member, Moderator
    Joined: Oct 04, 2011
    @skillslagoon how much?

    221213 External Auditor|489 - 70pts - SS NT
    21|07|16 - Applied CPAA membership assessment
    31|07|16 - PTE-A L|S|W|R (73|79|78|77)
    01|08|16 - Submitted CPAA migration assessment
    20|09|17 - EOI 190 - NT (delayed due to show money req.)
    - collating requirements for NT SS application
    18|10|17 - Submitted NT SS application (praying for + result)
    24|04|18 - 190 not successful,
    - was offered 489 instead and accepted the offer
    - engaged with visa consort agency for visa application submission.
    26|04|18 - Invited to apply for SS visa 489 - Northern Territory
    02|05|18 - PCC processing
    20|05|18 - Medical
    06|06|18 - Visa payment
    15|09|18 - happy na birthday pa, visa grant pa.. TYL
    09|02|19 - Big move
    11|02|19 - First job interview
    12|02|19 - Received a job offer
    13|02|19 - Accepted job offer
    13|08|19 - Accepted a new job offer - new employer
    16|10|20 - Started new job - a better opportunity
    01|01|21 - Started CPA Australia qualification
    10|02|21 - Lodged 887 visa application
    June 2021 - First CPA subject passed
    Nov 2021 - 2nd CPA Subject passed
    June 2022 - 3rd and 4th CPA subject passed
    Nov 2022 - 5th subject passed (failed the other one)
    Feb 2023 - PR visa granted
    June 2023 - Officially a CPA Australia member
    Apr 2024 - Joined the government (employee)
    July 2024 - Citizenship exam & passed
    Nov 2024 - Citizenship Ceremony

  • skillslagoonskillslagoon New Delhi
    Posts: 5Member
    Joined: Jan 28, 2016
    @batman ,The price for the PTE is $599 for batch class but you can avail it at a discount of $200 so it will cost you just $399. Besides we have 1 on 1 class as well that will cost you $799 instead of $1299 as you can avail $500 discount flat.
  • skillslagoonskillslagoon New Delhi
    Posts: 5Member
    Joined: Jan 28, 2016
    @batman: you can book your free demo of an hour and your concerns will be resolved. Please book your demo using this link:
  • jaceejoefjaceejoef Mandaluyong
    Posts: 333Member
    Joined: Apr 23, 2015
    @jedh_g anong service? free demo po ba?

    Software Engineer (261313) | Age = 30 | Education = 15 | Experience = 5 | English = 10

    28.10.2016 PTE-A Exam
    02.11.2016 PTE-A Results (L69 R66 S50 W77) - saklap!
    19.11.2016 PTE-A Mock Exam A (L72 R56 S62 W69)
    26.11.2016 PTE-A Mock Exam B (L69 R61 S56 W69)
    28.11.2016 PTE-A Exam
    28.11.2016 PTE-A Results (L64 R73 S64 W68)
    10.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 1 - submit documents
    13.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 2
    14.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 3
    22.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Submit updated document
    22.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 4
    03.03.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 5 - positive result!
    29.05.2017 PTE-A Exam
    29.05.2017 PTE-A Results (L78 R76 S66 W78)
    01.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 189 (60 points)
    01.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 190 (65 points) - NSW
    28.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 190 (65 points) - Victoria
    19.07.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (70 points) - SA - on hold. high points required
    27.07.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (70 points) - Tasmania
    30.08.2017 Lodge Tasmania Application
    12.10.2017 Tasmania Application - CO assigned
    17.10.2017 Tasmania Application - denied

    Web Developer (261212) | Age = 30 | Education = 15 | Experience = 10 | English = 10 | State = 10

    20.02.2018 ACS Skill Assessment Submit
    12.04.2018 ACS Skill Assessment Result - positive!
    01.08.2018 additional 5 points for experience
    15.08.2018 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (75 points)
    16.08.2018 Lodge SA Application
    31.10.2018 ITA received for SA visa 489
    27.11.2018 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC
    29.11.2018 Medical Clearance Provided - no action required
    18.12.2018 Lodge Visa
    26.09.2019 Visa Grant
    28.02.2020 Big Move
    08.03.2022 Visa Extension (additional 3 years)

    Medical Exam at St. Luke's Experience

    BM Experience to Adelaide

    Visa 489 Subsequent Entrant (De Facto)
    27.12.2021 Lodge Visa
    30.04.2022 CO contact - Medical Exam Requested
    23.06.2022 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC
    22.07.2022 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC (rescheduled)
    10.08.2022 Medical further information required - doctor's note
    02.09.2022 Submitted additional requirement
    22.01.2023 Medical further information required - x-ray
    27.01.2023 Submitted additional requirement
    12.12.2023 Visa Grant
    11.01.2025 Big Move

    Visa 887 Skilled Regional visa (PR)
    20.01.2025 Lodge Visa

  • jedh_gjedh_g Perth WA
    Posts: 1,413Member, Moderator
    Joined: Mar 11, 2015
    @jaceejoef free demo sya but on the next sessions of the class, you have to pay the fee almost the price of the actual PTE exam fee. The choice is yours!

    Skilled Independent Visa Subclass 189: ANZSCO 233512 Mechanical Engineer

    Feb. 12, 2016 - Begin PTE-A review & booked exam at Trident
    Mar. 21, 2016 - PTE academic Exam Result PASSED
    (L:66, R:73, S:80, W:67); Thank you Lord!
    Mar. 28, 2016 - Agent updated EOI. Awaiting next round of 189
    April 7, 2016 - Received NSW invite (Visa 190)
    April 13, 2016 - Received 189 invite (8:56 AM). Thank you Lord!
    May 21, 2016 - VISA fee paid to MA. DIBP application received
    May 25, 2016 - NBI clearance certificate forwarded to MA
    May 30, 2016 - 1st CO contact, Team Adelaide (Medicals asked)
    May 31, 2016 - SLEC medical exams with family. Thank you Lord!
    June 1, 2016 - Submit to agent CO request (Wife's NBI, Medicals)
    June 7, 2016 - Youngest son undergone x-ray at SLEC (2nd visit)
    June 14, 2016 - ALL family members "COMPLETED" status to DIBP on medicals
    June 29, 2016 - 2nd CO contact. Requested FORM 815 for son.
    August 4, 2016 VISA GRANT thank you LORD
    August 19, 2016 - PDOS at CFO
    October 26, 2016 - Flight to Sydney (then, fly to Western Australia)

    Dec. 8, 2016 - Reunited with whole family at Perth

    March 15, 2017 - Landed my first job in WA as pressure vessel inspector (Engineering & Mfg Tradesperson job class)

    JOSHUA 1:9 - I command you. Be strong and steadfast!
    Do not fear nor be dismayed for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.

  • jaceejoefjaceejoef Mandaluyong
    Posts: 333Member
    Joined: Apr 23, 2015
    @jedh_g I see. thank you. :)

    Software Engineer (261313) | Age = 30 | Education = 15 | Experience = 5 | English = 10

    28.10.2016 PTE-A Exam
    02.11.2016 PTE-A Results (L69 R66 S50 W77) - saklap!
    19.11.2016 PTE-A Mock Exam A (L72 R56 S62 W69)
    26.11.2016 PTE-A Mock Exam B (L69 R61 S56 W69)
    28.11.2016 PTE-A Exam
    28.11.2016 PTE-A Results (L64 R73 S64 W68)
    10.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 1 - submit documents
    13.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 2
    14.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 3
    22.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Submit updated document
    22.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 4
    03.03.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 5 - positive result!
    29.05.2017 PTE-A Exam
    29.05.2017 PTE-A Results (L78 R76 S66 W78)
    01.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 189 (60 points)
    01.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 190 (65 points) - NSW
    28.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 190 (65 points) - Victoria
    19.07.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (70 points) - SA - on hold. high points required
    27.07.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (70 points) - Tasmania
    30.08.2017 Lodge Tasmania Application
    12.10.2017 Tasmania Application - CO assigned
    17.10.2017 Tasmania Application - denied

    Web Developer (261212) | Age = 30 | Education = 15 | Experience = 10 | English = 10 | State = 10

    20.02.2018 ACS Skill Assessment Submit
    12.04.2018 ACS Skill Assessment Result - positive!
    01.08.2018 additional 5 points for experience
    15.08.2018 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (75 points)
    16.08.2018 Lodge SA Application
    31.10.2018 ITA received for SA visa 489
    27.11.2018 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC
    29.11.2018 Medical Clearance Provided - no action required
    18.12.2018 Lodge Visa
    26.09.2019 Visa Grant
    28.02.2020 Big Move
    08.03.2022 Visa Extension (additional 3 years)

    Medical Exam at St. Luke's Experience

    BM Experience to Adelaide

    Visa 489 Subsequent Entrant (De Facto)
    27.12.2021 Lodge Visa
    30.04.2022 CO contact - Medical Exam Requested
    23.06.2022 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC
    22.07.2022 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC (rescheduled)
    10.08.2022 Medical further information required - doctor's note
    02.09.2022 Submitted additional requirement
    22.01.2023 Medical further information required - x-ray
    27.01.2023 Submitted additional requirement
    12.12.2023 Visa Grant
    11.01.2025 Big Move

    Visa 887 Skilled Regional visa (PR)
    20.01.2025 Lodge Visa

  • skillslagoonskillslagoon New Delhi
    Posts: 5Member
    Joined: Jan 28, 2016
    edited February 2016
    demo is free for can book your demo now..
  • jaceejoefjaceejoef Mandaluyong
    Posts: 333Member
    Joined: Apr 23, 2015
    edited February 2016
    a person named Amy ([email protected]) emailed me. She was quite rude to me just because I gave a low rating.

    She said, "How dare you to give bad review even before taking demo class. Please don’t join any demo. No Demo will be provide to you."



    I did wait for 30 mins but no one was in the class.


    Software Engineer (261313) | Age = 30 | Education = 15 | Experience = 5 | English = 10

    28.10.2016 PTE-A Exam
    02.11.2016 PTE-A Results (L69 R66 S50 W77) - saklap!
    19.11.2016 PTE-A Mock Exam A (L72 R56 S62 W69)
    26.11.2016 PTE-A Mock Exam B (L69 R61 S56 W69)
    28.11.2016 PTE-A Exam
    28.11.2016 PTE-A Results (L64 R73 S64 W68)
    10.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 1 - submit documents
    13.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 2
    14.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 3
    22.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Submit updated document
    22.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 4
    03.03.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 5 - positive result!
    29.05.2017 PTE-A Exam
    29.05.2017 PTE-A Results (L78 R76 S66 W78)
    01.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 189 (60 points)
    01.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 190 (65 points) - NSW
    28.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 190 (65 points) - Victoria
    19.07.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (70 points) - SA - on hold. high points required
    27.07.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (70 points) - Tasmania
    30.08.2017 Lodge Tasmania Application
    12.10.2017 Tasmania Application - CO assigned
    17.10.2017 Tasmania Application - denied

    Web Developer (261212) | Age = 30 | Education = 15 | Experience = 10 | English = 10 | State = 10

    20.02.2018 ACS Skill Assessment Submit
    12.04.2018 ACS Skill Assessment Result - positive!
    01.08.2018 additional 5 points for experience
    15.08.2018 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (75 points)
    16.08.2018 Lodge SA Application
    31.10.2018 ITA received for SA visa 489
    27.11.2018 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC
    29.11.2018 Medical Clearance Provided - no action required
    18.12.2018 Lodge Visa
    26.09.2019 Visa Grant
    28.02.2020 Big Move
    08.03.2022 Visa Extension (additional 3 years)

    Medical Exam at St. Luke's Experience

    BM Experience to Adelaide

    Visa 489 Subsequent Entrant (De Facto)
    27.12.2021 Lodge Visa
    30.04.2022 CO contact - Medical Exam Requested
    23.06.2022 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC
    22.07.2022 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC (rescheduled)
    10.08.2022 Medical further information required - doctor's note
    02.09.2022 Submitted additional requirement
    22.01.2023 Medical further information required - x-ray
    27.01.2023 Submitted additional requirement
    12.12.2023 Visa Grant
    11.01.2025 Big Move

    Visa 887 Skilled Regional visa (PR)
    20.01.2025 Lodge Visa

  • therealaidstherealaids Singapore
    Posts: 118Member
    Joined: Jan 17, 2011
    edited February 2016
    That's one hell of a rude Staff from skills lagoon !!! Instead of fixing or settling the issue with you, the staff dare to use come back to you with rude words. sucks!
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