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Room for Rent in Perth

clayeeclayee EdisonPosts: 26Member
The house is conveniently located across the road from the Morley Galleria, with public transport on the doorstep including direct buses to Perth city running every day from morning to late at night. The Galleria shopping centre and Coventry markets are also within walking distance.

The house is owner occupied by a single female and comes with is three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a large kitchen area, two living areas and has security screens throughout. The room is furnished and parking is available. Looking for a single female of any age to rent one room. Rent is $150 a week plus utility bills. Room will be available from mid June 2016.


  • junarsanjunarsan Melbourne
    Posts: 14Member
    Joined: Jun 07, 2016
    hi, is the room still available?
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