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Major update has been completed. Please help to report any abnormality that you are facing (in case there is any) to [email protected] . Thank you for your continued support guys!


BemBem MandaluyongPosts: 43Member
edited July 2016 in Study and Training Visa
Hello everyone! I started this new thread for the people who are going to lodge and relodge(those who were refused on the first attempt) who are now going to use the new application tool. If you have anything to share (points from your agents,if you asked for their service) it'd be highly appreciated. Like you, I am also waiting for feedbacks from the people who has already lodged since July 1. We hope to get the gist of what evidences and proofs are needed, most specifically on financial grounds. Your detailed contributions, no matter how basic will be of help. Thank you!


  • BemBem Mandaluyong
    Posts: 43Member
    Joined: May 20, 2016
    I'm not sure if i got it right but i know i am needing corrections for these. As i understand, there are 2 options. 1 of which is to show them the digits on paper as your show money, on your PERSONAL ACCOUNT(under your name) unsure if they'll be needing proofs as to how you got the money in your name. If supporting documents can be from family member's monthly salary or or loan made by them(as money was just transferred under your name) 2nd that of which are the proofs that your husband or parents are earning atleast 2M annually, not after the figures in the bank but the government issued proofs like monthly salary being received, itr stuffs and the likes. I hope somebody more knowledgable can address and correct my interpretation on this regard. Tia
  • mimicmimic Sydney
    Posts: 403Member
    Joined: Nov 29, 2015
    Hi Bem,

    I applied my student visa July 11. This is my 2nd student visa.

    To prove saan mo galing ang money sa Personal account, you need to subit tax return (OTR stuff) and payslips.

    If from family member's, they are considered your "sponsor". You need a statutory declaration that they are your sponsor plus their payslips, tax.. ID ..etc..

    Your husband is a sponsor and any member of his family who owns the money.
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