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lenviadolenviado MandaluyongPosts: 7Member
Hi everyone,

im newbie here.

i need some advice regarding my Prospective Marriage Visa Application:

1. I'm applying for prospective marriage visa, what are the grounds for refusal? My fiancee is currently unemployed grounds po ba un (although migration agents said hindi daw importante kung unemployed sya)
2. Will I seek migration agent or I can log it all by myself?
3. I consulted respall and down under visa, both are expensive, may suggest po ba kayong mas mura?
4. Do u have any idea sa suggestion ng migration agent na they will apply me for a tourist visa, then magpapakasal kami sa Aus saka nila i-pass application ko for partner visa.
5. Galing na ko Australia 2009 1 month stay, tapos December 2015 to June 25, 2016, both tourist visa, possible pa po ba makabalik ako sa australia this year?

My apology sa dami kong questions.



  • AAA_AUSAAA_AUS Australia
    Posts: 2Member
    Joined: Aug 17, 2016
    Send me an email. you can apply for partner or Fiance visa. Depends on what suits you. Also possible to apply tourist and visit Aus first then apply onshore but onshore is partner visa only. [email protected]
  • lenviadolenviado Mandaluyong
    Posts: 7Member
    Joined: Jul 03, 2012
    Thanks. I will
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