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Medical sputum test

Hi guys ask Ko lng yung dad Ko kc ni require mag 501 and 502 then Sabi Sa slec May Nakita daw Sa X-ray Nya Pero ayaw namn nila sabihn samin Kung ano result Basta Sabi repeat X-ray the next day so what we did is nag paconsult kmi Sa pulmo ng st Lukes then requested for X-Ray para Lang Sa peace of Mind. So nung Monday we got the result from slec and St Lukes global city both results are normal lungs so the pulmo from st Lukes gave us a medical cert that my dad is fit to travel and no infectious disease
After a few hours slec called us stating that they gave us a wrong result and then may infiltrates daw Sa right lungs. So nagtaka kmi. And now we received an email from bupa Na required dad Ko to have a sputum test and repeat X-ray after 3 months the prob is were due to travel on sept 13. And yung result ng sputum is 8weeks pa. Possible ba Na ma appeal this case. Kc 2 doctors Na naconsult namin and negative yung X-rays ni dad for tuberculosis and the. Tourist visa Lang kmi 2 weeks Lang Sa oz. Awww nakaka stress. Grant Na visa namin yung Kay dad nlng.
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