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457 visa for hepa b carrier applicant

hope14344hope14344 makatiPosts: 50Member
edited August 2016 in Employer Sponsored Visas
Sino napo dito ang may cases na nag apply sa australia thru agency as skilled like welder,mechanic, may hepa b?

At meron po bang hepa screening pag ang apply mo ay 457 visa?

Totoo po bang malabo talagang makaalis o matanggap pag may ganitong cases?

And just in case na walang hepa screening in 457 visa for welder or mechanic,dapat po bang wag nang i declair?

Sa may mga ganitong issue share nyo nman,para matulungan nyo akong mag di sisyon,umaasa din po kc akong makapag work sa australia as mechanic.thanks po
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