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Looking for Room or Bedspace in Melb

NheoKirbs1215NheoKirbs1215 PhilippinesPosts: 25Member
Hello ho...
I am male looking for a room or bedspace ho there in Melb and I will be arriving next year/month January 12, 2017. Temporary ho sana for a month while i am looking for work with PR visa. Please let me know ho pag meron kayong alam na available?

Also, kung may alam din ho kayong okay at affordable na backpacker hostel please let me know din ho. I am checking online din pero baka meron ho kayo maisa-suggest para may options in case wala pang mahanap na room or bedspace.

Hope to hear from you ho...

God Bless!


  • DizeDize Melbourne
    Posts: 15Member
    Joined: Aug 26, 2014
    yo!, are still looking for a room?
  • lhanz23lhanz23 manila
    Posts: 48Member
    Joined: Jan 11, 2017
    @Dize hi po... im looking for a room for my bf who currently relocated sa OZ.. he is from New Zealand... is there any room you can offer?.. thanks
  • NheoKirbs1215NheoKirbs1215 Philippines
    Posts: 25Member
    Joined: Aug 11, 2016
    Sorry for late reply ho. I've already managed to find a room here in Melb.
    Hope all will be well with you too... Thank you for asking...
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