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Room for rent in western melbourne suburb (2mins walk to train station)

TheDreamerTheDreamer MelbournePosts: 73Member
edited January 2017 in Accommodations
- spare room for rent nang Christian family at Western Melbourne suburb. $150/week only includes utilities and internet.
- preferrably female, single occupancy only.
- comfortable single bed available.
- tenant allowed to cook.
- located between St. Albans and Sunshine.
- close to shop and hospital.
- 2 mins. walk to train station.
- 1 station away to cheapest meat/seafood/fruit/veggie market (St Albans).
- 25 mins to CBD via train.

- email to [email protected] for inquiries.

ANZSCO 233411-Electronics Engineer
01/18/14 - ielts exam 2nd take
02/01/14 - ielts result unfavorable (with W:5.5 - min. req't from EA 6.0 in all bands)
03/08/14 - ielts exam 3rd take
03/21/14 - ielts result (6, 6, 6, 7)
04/02/14 - EA application submitted.
04/10/14 - EA charged payment from credit card
08/15/14 - EA assessment positive results.
08/22/14 - EOI submitted for subclass 189 (60pts)
09/08/14 - Skillselect invited for 189 application
09/08/14 - Visa application lodged.
xx/xx/xx - CO assigned
xx/xx/xx - Medicals
xx/xx/xx - Finish Line..

John 15:7
7 'If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.'

Jeremiah 29:11
11 'For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'

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